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Final Version

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Aug 26th 2001#14648 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
ok this is the pre release version of
im waiting for approval from the board on the flash version for construction of the html version..

Ok everybody im not posting for a repeat of what happened last

still working of formmailer:
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Aug 27th 2001#14655 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I think some of the links on the (sub) navbar are too close together. Can't tell them apart sometimes, especially with no rollovers. And what is the point of that little box with the light up sides? It's nifty, I was just wondering if it was actually going to do something at somepoint. I'm really happy that all of the content is in actual HTML. Hooray!

The logo in the top right of the site is really hard to see. It blends in with the background a lot.

Some of the link names are confusing. Like I was looking for an 'About Us' Section, so I would know what the hell they do, but I could find none. Then I finally figured out it was the 'Inside GSI' link. I also really don't understand why there is a big jet fighter at the top of the screen. I thought they were a staffing service?

Overall I think it's a good experience. The marketing jargon is really hard to understand, I still don't understand what the site is for. But that's not your fault. I don't really think the intro matches the site though. The intro is all energetic and jazzed up, and then the actual site is mellow and calm. I really like the mellow calm part a lot better. Those little beeps on the navigation are very satisfying as well. I feel like I've really accomplished something whenever I click on them.

(There... how was that for a critique that didn't even mention the word Flash once! See.. I'm not a Flash hater.)
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Aug 27th 2001#14695 Report
Member since: Aug 25th 2001
Posts: 46
Looks great, the only thing is that some of the sub links are too close together and hard to read. Maybe put a | between them or have some kind of roll-over.
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Aug 27th 2001#14702 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Yeah that is quite cool, never got to actually enter the site, 404. I will try later but what i saw from the splash on the front it looks ok. Just dont like that white wording, the drop shadow dont look to good.
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Aug 27th 2001#14736 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
im gona get rid of the beveled text on the splash..

the nifty box on the home page will have some sayings about the comp for each side on rollover..

and im planning to have similar mouseovers as the main categories just upside down and a diff color..

and deker the jet has to do with one of there major clients : some huge a s s airplane comp..

thank you Deker and everybody else for your comments..
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Aug 27th 2001#14741 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
I LOVE the rollovers. Both the moving tabs and the little beeps. And that box is cool too! Overall, the site has a really clean professional look and feel to it. And I like the music a lot too.

Question: Is there any way to maximize the window to fill the whole screen? That would be great.

I actually didn't think the sublinks were too close together, I was able to read them fine. But if other people are having a hard time, maybe you should do something just to make it comfortable for everyone.

I agree the intro doesn't seem to fit the style of the site, and seems unnecessary. Otherwise, the site looks really good. Good job!
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Aug 27th 2001#14753 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
well, cablemotion...

if i made it full screen well..resolutions would be very screwed up..

im not even going to go there...

I just have to throw this in...Im 15...whoa...
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Aug 27th 2001#14755 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I'm 19... Whoa. I don't really think your age has anything to do with anything. If we said your site sucked, you may say, "But I'm only 15! What do you expect!?" But since we reacted mostly positive, then you say you are only 15... pretty good, huh? Betchya didn't think a 15 year old could do something this good....

No offense personally or anything, I just don't think age makes your work any better/worse.
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Aug 28th 2001#14760 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
i think that it suprises some people..usually they freak out...and i never result to saying that im just 15 (to blow off my suckyness as a result of age) if i get bad comments..that just shows how immature that person really is..

edit: maby its because i am used to getting all this crap about not hiring me because of my age..(not even caring about my portfolio)
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Aug 28th 2001#14764 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Well there are a lot of other reasons not related to your talent that would keep someone from hiring you. Like, how would you get to work? How would you make it to a meeting if you were in school? You can't drive anywhere even if you weren't in school. Fifteen year olds in general are not very mature. (not saying you aren't, which you seem to be, but that is the norm, and that's what the client is going to think about) There is the fear that since you are so young, you'll just take their money and run of and buy a Playstation 2 with it without ever finishing the site.

So see, it's really nothing to do with how good you are. Just the normal age stuff. I know it sucks. I was 15 once also. But just give it a little time... You aren't getting any younger, so your chances can only improve!
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