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Any suggestion's on this layout

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Aug 26th 2001#14615 Report
Member since: Aug 26th 2001
Posts: 10

I'am new to these boards and i hope i am putting this in the right section.

Can anyone gives me some suggestions on this layout, to me it kinda looks to plain but i want it to be simple to nav threw

layout is here

i am looking to make this layout look like business site also for some reason the purplish colors look kinda chesse for a business type website what do you think?

also anyone know where i can get some busniess/technology graphics from?

please give me any suggestion or thought's on what i can do to inprove this layout in anyway.

Thank You

layout is here
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Aug 26th 2001#14621 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Don't post the same thing in two different forums please.
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