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slugocity is open

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Aug 25th 2001#14469 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019

thanx for help w/ the layout!!

i'll be working on the links...i'll keep u guys updated

tell me wu tu think
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Aug 25th 2001#14472 Report
Member since: Jul 2nd 2001
Posts: 16
i like the color scheme,misty bluey grey,nice but one small point, you have spelt artwork wrong in your nav bar,am i right ? or is it some new funky way to spell it?
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Aug 25th 2001#14474 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
yes, it's the new
hip n' stylin' way of spelling it.
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Aug 25th 2001#14479 Report
Member since: Jul 2nd 2001
Posts: 16
i must be getting to old :( ,but if its "hip n' stylin'" i'll take your word for it
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Aug 25th 2001#14482 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
oh - you used one of pyros stock images. ;D
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Aug 25th 2001#14486 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i got the images from
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Aug 26th 2001#14567 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
ok, all thepages are finished...
as far as content

the only one w/o anything on it is artwerk ...
and i guess you could consider portfolio as having no content :D
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