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it's alive!

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Aug 24th 2001#14376 Report
Member since: Apr 26th 2001
Posts: 18
my personal p-folio website has been launched!
expect some content changes l8r this week.
let me know what u guys think and send some feedback through my contact form.

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Aug 24th 2001#14393 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
yeah - good site.
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Aug 24th 2001#14399 Report
Member since: Aug 19th 2001
Posts: 11
hope you're dutch... noticed the address.... tell me if you're not:P

mooi gemaakt, beetje weinig content, maar dat hoort lijkt me.....

oh ja, als ik jou was zou ik aan je tekstvelden bij de contact een class geven, zodat je ze in de stijl van je site kan maken ipv dat karige wit.........
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Aug 24th 2001#14427 Report
Member since: Apr 26th 2001
Posts: 18
ja, ik kom inderdaad uit nederland.
het is een goed idee en dat zal ik zeker proberen te veranderen de komende dagen. bedankt voor je complimenten!

to all english people: I was thanking void 4 his comments on my site. sorry I had 2 go dutch
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Aug 24th 2001#14430 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Well I mentioned on your previous post that I loved the site, but I would just match that font on the greeting message with the font you are using on the news on the bottom.
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