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Holy CRAP!

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Aug 24th 2001#14343 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
I LOVE this site...

Flash or is kick ass!

Oh and axiom....

you can post your 2 sites below...cuz that is cool!
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Aug 24th 2001#14349 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1452
Yeah, have always liked that site.

Just wish he'd do something different for a change. :p
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Aug 24th 2001#14360 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 170
where's Jim (xr650lvr)? I bet he'd get a kick out of this one.
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Aug 24th 2001#14428 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Hey Torn, You have taken away an hour of my Friday night. For my time, you now owe me $41.23. You can send me a check on Monday.
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Aug 25th 2001#14443 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
That's one of the most obnoxious web sites I've ever been to.

You have to wait like 30 seconds everytime you click on anything, just to see some stuff spin around. No real content that I could find... Just spinny foldy swirly chrome stuff. Not to mention that I assumed the site was in that popup when you first load the site, so I closed the original "real" browser window, then had to click the link again because it turns out that was the actual page. And a whole popup flash movie just to show all the awards he's won... And I wonder if he actually licensed that music or just put it up there...

Even is better than that.

And I'm not a flash hater.
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Aug 25th 2001#14452 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
deker..... Yes you are! ;)

I have played with that site till I just couldn't play with it anymore....and it made me say "hey, how did he do that?" a couple times....
Thats a good thing.

The graphics:

He did a very nice job on the graphics too....
I just love the shiney chrome things moving around and the little eyeball that comes out and puts the link balls down... and looks at you as if to say "Are you sure you are finished?" when it comes back out to pick up all those little chrome balls.

I just have had too much fun with that site.

however... I could do without the pop-ups too.

I say we bill David Gary. he is costing me money too!
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Aug 25th 2001#14470 Report
Member since: May 3rd 2001
Posts: 414
That site kicks @$$!!! Great graphics, not to mention music by Lenny Kravitz. Sweet!!!
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Aug 25th 2001#14501 Report
Member since: Jul 12th 2001
Posts: 52
interesting flash work...lenny got annoying...but yeah, i like the crome work...
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Aug 25th 2001#14505 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
his portfolio is cooool!

i don't like the site that much, the layout sucks pretty much.
and as deker said, you have to wait so long just to see anything.
And it just is chrome and a bunch of balls flyin' around, after one page it just get's boring...
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