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Finalized Site, with content.

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Aug 22nd 2001#14135 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 507
well.. spent a few days updating my site, and finally uploaded it today.

designed for 800x600 resolution.

let me know if you spot any broken links, and what kind of load times you had.

and any other comments you may have.

Thanks very much everyone.

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Aug 22nd 2001#14144 Report
Member since: Aug 19th 2001
Posts: 11
it looks nice, but personally i would not use a glow around the buttons... i would make the background change color (probably to a lighter green)........
also, if I look at my first site done in photoshop, it looks a tad too clean to me.................
but that's just my opinion... if you can try to make the lighter green look "embedded" in the darker green, it would look nicer (i think...)

and i would also (yeah yeah, wanker!!! :D) make the text section a tad different.. instead of having those strange lines, i would add a textblock around them...

you know, make the title and body in a different cell and give them the colors matching your design (top one dark green, lower one brighter green).....and then make a little bevel on the top one (just 1 pixel, else it will look huge).......

hey, wait a sec: i don't have anything to do now... let me post a pic:
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Aug 22nd 2001#14147 Report
Member since: Aug 19th 2001
Posts: 11
uhm, never mind that.. my comp keeps crashing when i start photoshop (too little ram and long no-format system.......)

i hope you can figure out what i mean:P
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Aug 23rd 2001#14263 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
just 3 words to say: nice, nice, nice
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Aug 24th 2001#14403 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 507
thanks for the replys.
Void... I like the look, Its clean and simple.. exactly what I was aiming for. as for the body section.. I'm not really sure about the text color.. its either to dark and hard to read, or too bright and clashing with the bg color.

Decta, thanks for the comments..

Anyone else got any final comments.. Im assuming the reason no one is replying to this is because of the other interface post that you have seen.. thanks anyways..

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Aug 24th 2001#14432 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Well since I liked it when you posted the design before, all I have to say is that I would stick that NASTY-looking stat counter at the bottom of the page. I hate those things. As a matter of fact, I would just rid of the image. Change the image to a transparent gif or something.
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Aug 25th 2001#14459 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 319
VERY nice, snore, I really like this! It's amazing how much better it is than that last site of yours, no offense. I like the rollovers, and prettymuch everything else!! keep up the good work, man
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Aug 25th 2001#14465 Report
Member since: Jul 18th 2001
Posts: 102
Site looks good.. but on the portfolio page under Photoshop you have a lot of dead links.. I didn't get time to look at the rest.. But just to point out that me.jpg, multivines.jpg some psblurb.jpg sampler2.jpg are some that didn't work for me.

Very nice layout though.

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Aug 25th 2001#14504 Report
Member since: Mar 25th 2001
Posts: 507
DD-Fresh thank you very much for bringing those to my attention.. I will fix them asap.. the problem is the pics are in a folder called "Files" and some of the links are to "files" so apparently the lowercase "f" is enough to screw it all up.

Thanks again..

thanks for the comments all.. Matt, I will look into getting rid of the stat counter pic.

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