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Splashchallenge(7 awards won in 3 months)

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Aug 21st 2001#13929 Report
Member since: Jul 30th 2001
Posts: 19
Hi to all my friends,
check out the issue 3 of splashchallenge and let me know...........

if you're interested you can subscribe yourself to the mailing list to know when I publish the "step by step" tutorial.

thank's in advance,
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Aug 23rd 2001#14210 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
The site is still looking really good, Claudio! Keep up the good work. Don't know about the boobs on that girl though.... I like natural breasts my self...

I enjoyed being a judge though. Am I a permanent judge, or will it change for each competition?
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Aug 23rd 2001#14235 Report
Member since: Jul 30th 2001
Posts: 19
You are a permanent one of course :-)

Ciao and thank's
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Aug 23rd 2001#14247 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
Claudio72, I also enjoyed being a judge too. I love seeing what people are able to come up with.
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Aug 23rd 2001#14260 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
/me klicks on the + :D
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