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2advanced attire...

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Aug 21st 2001#13885 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2001
Posts: 170
I mentioned on one of the threads that I liked the 2advanced website so much that i bought one of their t-shirts. well, i just received that same t-shirt, and have to say that it is a great deal! i'm pretty skeptical of clothing being sold on the net, especially by newer companies or people that i'm not at all familiar with. will it fit right? is the image on the screen really going to be on the shirt? you know, stuff like that. the 2advanced shirt is pre-shrunk %100 cotton, navy blue with the design on the front (see website). I usually like shirts that fit well (not too baggy) and i'm a size 42 (if that helps). the large fits perfectly, although i havn't washed it yet, being pre-shrunk it should make much of a difference.

all that to say that if you are thinking of getting one but don't know if it's a good quality shirt, by all means shell out the 20 bucks (17 for the shirt and 3 for shipping) and support the crew at 2advanced studios, and get a sweet shirt to boot!
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Aug 21st 2001#13887 Report
Member since: May 24th 2001
Posts: 358
My god but thats a nice site... reminds me why I downloaded flash..
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