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Now Open: My Site

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Aug 21st 2001#13867 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2001
Posts: 45

Eh, it's my new site, using php.
Simple at the moment, but as my knowledge of coding expands, the more advanced my site will be.
Comments are helpful.
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Aug 21st 2001#13868 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
OK Your Site is AWESOME! I love it! ALOT... I have to say though, I remember seeing your preview awhile back, and I was alittle inspired by you title bar.... look

Its not considered ripping is it??? :confused:

Anyways I love the colors (halloween) and I like how everything organized... I JUST LOVE IT!!!


oh and I want a link to your page so I can add it to my site... (by that I mean a Pic link) Also If I do add ur link, would you mind added my link to ur site??? :rolleyes: (you don't have to...even though I still will add your link)
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Aug 21st 2001#13870 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2001
Posts: 45
Eh, as of now, i have no button, but expect one soon.
I added you to my "follow me" page(links page) feel free to add me to your site.....
Oh yeah, nice variation, no rip..
thanks for the comment
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Aug 21st 2001#13904 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2001
Posts: 45
anyone else?
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Aug 21st 2001#13905 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 91
Nice site...
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Aug 21st 2001#13927 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
Nice Site!

I'm not use to seeing bigger text though but I know i'll get use to it!

Tell me when you have your button made so I can put it on my site.

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Aug 21st 2001#13962 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2001
Posts: 45
no one going to rip me apart by telling me what looks bad.
I can take critisism.
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Aug 21st 2001#13966 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 91
Ok ok.

IT SUCKS!! lol j/k

It doesn't suck. It's good, nothing's wrong with it. BTW, you wanna affiliate? :D
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Aug 21st 2001#13974 Report
Member since: Jul 18th 2001
Posts: 102
Hey I really like the colors and the design rocks. You did a great job with the menu's and the over all design.

And you didn't rip off that other site.. Yours is quite different and every site with a top navigation bar somewhat like yours is not ripping.

If I saw a site that had the same design as mine but what exact then I would feel really kewl that someone else could use my work. But if it is like the EXACT same then no..

Great design!

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Aug 22nd 2001#14037 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 27
OK bud it is looking like a good start but there are a few errors and the design is really kind of non exsitient. I mean its a box with text links and an ungodly large text size. I would make the text smaller work on the design orange and black look like halloween and I would also fix your text menu bug when you click the second to last link it bumps the last onto two lines.

good start and keep up the learning process you are almost there.
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