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.:: ESE Designs : V1.1 ::.

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Aug 20th 2001#13839 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
I re-did my site design becuase the other one didn't feel like me. Two images don't show up becuase I haven't recieved the images yet from my 2 of my affiliates.

Tell me what ya think.

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Aug 21st 2001#13849 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 91
It's cool, but it needs something.

But I don't know what...:o
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Aug 21st 2001#13850 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
[SIZE=4][COLOR=darkred] I CAN'T BLOODY SEE IT!!!!![/SIZE] [/COLOR] If you need my 88x31's they are here and here.

Screenshot anyone?
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Aug 21st 2001#13853 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
Ok I like it... but the navigational bar is hard to read, and it doesnt stick out, i didnt notice at first... but it should have been the first thing i noticed. So maybe you could add something the make it stick out more. Also Danforth's and Sonique's links didnt show up (you might have already known that, but just telling u anyways :p) Also I would make the Title bar Longer and more colorful like the splash page, instead of just one boring color. Besides all that... I think its awesome!

Oh NOA, Your sig is AWESOME! This one is by far the best! KEEP IT!
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Aug 21st 2001#13906 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
About the nav menu.... can you read it ok? or should I change the font?

CUptoW555......... I already knew they didn't show up... as i said before

Two images don't show up becuase I haven't recieved the images yet from my 2 of my affiliates.
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Aug 21st 2001#13967 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2001
Posts: 45
Originally posted by ESE Designs
Two images don't show up becuase I haven't recieved the images yet from my 2 of my affiliates.

here you go
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Aug 22nd 2001#14051 Report
Member since: Aug 3rd 2001
Posts: 86
Thanks Sonique! Uploading it now.
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Aug 22nd 2001#14085 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2001
Posts: 279
for the intro page, I didn't know I was supposed to click on the banner to enter because it looked like an ad bar. The graphic itself looked nice, but you need something more square, larger, that will make it clear to "click here to enter", draw the visitor in.

As far as the main page, I think you have a nice concept, but it's too plain. The grayish shading to the lettering almost hides it in the top part. And the navigational links, while readable, don't get noticed either. So I would add some 3D effects there or some colors or something. Also, you have plenty of room on the sides, I would make the page wider.

It has a nice clean simple look to it, but could use just a little spicing up on the graphics.
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