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Slugul is Augustine!! (not quite)

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Aug 19th 2001#13724 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019

the layout is pretty much the same
but could you guys go to it and gime some feed back (none of the links work)
and could u also comment on how long the page takes to load?

the white squares with the << in them, could you maybe tell me
how to make like a scroll bar in there (since it'll be for news)
but w/o using frames? i don't know if that's even possible or whatever...


edit: and could say whether or not the top nav bar into the rest of the page...and how that can be fixed, along with my missing link for products on the left.


how can i make the block for news (the white part) centered in with the brown part behind it?
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Aug 20th 2001#13761 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2001
Posts: 3734
Don't worry, you don't need frames. Just layers. Try They have a news scroller extension for dreamweaver. But basically all it will really do for you is throw the layers and the code down. To get it how you really want it, you're going to have to change a lot of values and move many things around. And if you want it in an area that big, you're going to have problems when people resize their browsers to a smaller size.
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Aug 20th 2001#13764 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i guess i'm dumb i can't find the extension thing you were talking about on that page.

and what do u mean it'll have a problem if people resize their browsrs? (it's a little hard for me to use reasoning/think right now)
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Aug 21st 2001#13902 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
thanx to hammer.. i am now on a better provider...

and i got everything working now! check out the site, feed back is appreciated.

none of the links work (except for "main") hehe
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Aug 24th 2001#14359 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Looks nice, a bit hard on the optimization but sweet, nice man, a bit dark though.
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