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alpha's online portfolio

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Aug 13th 2001#12888 Report
Member since: Aug 13th 2001
Posts: 14
Hi there
Just got my new site design up for my personal page.
Not too much content up atm some tutorials are up but not the 2d/3d section (working hard on a playermodel and some drawings)
Gonna add a splash page up pretty soon aswell
Please tell me what you guys think the site is best viewd in Internet Explorer 5.x
thats all

alphas online portfolio
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Aug 14th 2001#12913 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
looks pretty nice, at first glance....but then I clicked the "me" link....

your "me" page is on the abstract side...

you've got a couple of blown tables on there because the text it trying to overflow.
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Aug 14th 2001#12921 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
NIce site man. The only thing i aint happy about, and i think spoils your page bit is the HIt counter, try to get one a little more descreet if you want one. Other than that awesome site. BTW i havent gone any further than the main page.
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Aug 14th 2001#13052 Report
Member since: Jul 8th 2001
Posts: 180
cool, i like it, simple but not overly simple.

Alpha you work on Strike Force?? thats cool I got it, its a good mod. (sorry but i personally like tactical ops better ;) ) Jus wondering with a mod like that does anyone on the team get paid? I know they were selling cd's and stuff. Just curious.
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Aug 15th 2001#13225 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
looks really really good man, i like how you have the headphones in the top left corner and aswell you have those lines going from one end to the other. sort of a slanted header. looks great man. your navigation system is looking good.
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Aug 16th 2001#13331 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
i like the layout a lot but why don't you work with layers instead of using new windows each time. would be much better looking and also the visitor is happy if not with each klik a new window opens.
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Aug 16th 2001#13385 Report
Member since: Jul 8th 2001
Posts: 180
agreed with decta
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Aug 16th 2001#13403 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
Originally posted by PS6UsEr
... The only thing i aint happy about, and i think spoils your page bit is the HIt counter, try to get one a little more descreet if you want one ...

I completely agree. But I do like your site, just not your counter. I like how you did the headphones at the top. Very cool :D
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Aug 19th 2001#13668 Report
Member since: Aug 13th 2001
Posts: 14
okey thx for all the advices and nice comments really appreciate it.
as for layers n such do you mean tables?
pardon me but my HTML skills are so weak thats its scary;)
and for the counter its now way down the page so you shouldnt be able to see it

ohh yea got some new stuff up aswell.
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