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black + gray

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Aug 12th 2001#12722 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
hi all,

i went this weekend to my parents (I live on myself in another city because i study there) and was bored, so i decided to make a personal page. On this page i will put my cv and portfolio etc.

Don't mind the text: "MiB's home", i just couldn't come up with a cool name for my page yet.
Non of the links work yet!

black + gray

allright, thanks in advance and see/read ya.
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Aug 12th 2001#12727 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
I like the simpleness, but dont you think it is just a little to simple, it is great but like a graphic somewhere to livin it up. Nice though.
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Aug 12th 2001#12730 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
perhaps you're right.
I've thought a lot about that myself too, but because the page will be like a resume, i decided to keep it clean and simple.
That way you won't scare people, because when you're page is like very simple... people can't have much to complain.

but that's just my theory...
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Aug 12th 2001#12741 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Page wouldn't load for me. Neither did your signature. So your server must be down for the moment.
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Aug 13th 2001#12759 Report
Member since: May 29th 2001
Posts: 142
like it but think it needs something more...
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Aug 13th 2001#12762 Report
Member since: Apr 13th 2001
Posts: 956
Well, not that I don't like it, but all webpages today are beginning to look the same. (This mainly applies to people in the web building business.) Sometimes I'm not sure if I've been to a site before or its just a different one in the same style as one I've visited before. I know it's for resolution compatibility but think about making it stand out so it doesn't look like you're another guy building a website that looks just like one of the websites you link to. My $0.02. Don't spend it all in one place.
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Aug 13th 2001#12822 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
i would make the grey stuff darker.
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Aug 13th 2001#12878 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
thx so far for all your comments.

Deker, maybe you can try it again?
I'd like some critique from you and mattboy_slim and all the other real forum-cracks for personal reasons.
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Aug 14th 2001#12941 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Welp. Since you asked, I thought I would put in my money's worth.

As I'm sure you've picked up on, I always appreciate it when people try to go minimal. Certainly nothing wrong with that, and I applaud you for it.

However, it's not as easy at it looks.

For one, just because you make a minimal site doesn't mean you have to use minimal colors!! No matter how simple and minimal your site design is, if you use an interesting color combination, your site will still look very interesting and pleasing to the eye. Even without a bunch of flashy, blurry, bubbly, pointy, rusty, moldy, rotting, jelly, exploding, bursting, burning, chromey, crap.

I think you have a start, but I think you need to work on it. Put some colors in there for one thing. Grey and black sites are so boring and depressing!

I also don't like the text. (the header and the bodytext). I'm not a big fan of big pixel fonts. (meaning you take a pixel font, then make it big ass). I just don't think that looks to swell. And the bodytext would look nice at 11 points. Or maybe it's 11 pixels. I don't remember. But that's a very awkward size.

If you are going to have that square thing up there, I would make it with color. (as well as the rest of the site, which I already mentioned)

Also, the body of the site is very boring. I think you need to try to fit some more content in there somehow, and maybe break up the text with either some very simple images, or some little table things with 'sidebars of info'. Or something to that effect. Just put something there besides rows and rows of text. (I realize the site doesn't have the content in it yet. Just suggestions for the future.)

The buttons are ok. But they should match the rest of the colors you are hopefully going to put on the site. And the shadows seem a little too big. They look like they are *really* floating high above the page. So maybe pull the shadows in a pixel or two.

I would suggest making the 'background' of your site a different color. (the part outside the 1 pixel black border) If you use a light color in the body of the page, use a dark color on the outside. Get what I mean? Yeah. Thought you would.

Well those are some of my suggestions.
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Aug 14th 2001#13069 Report
Member since: Apr 5th 2001
Posts: 2544
thx! That's the kind of critique i want. You at least spend a lot time tryin' to think of improvements! Thx a bunch...

and i'll work on the site.
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