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When I am King

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Aug 12th 2001#12667 Report
Member since: Jul 12th 2001
Posts: 52

when i saw this cyber-cartoon i fell in luv with it...i don't know what program was used to make it, but its pretty funky...

...kinda words...only pics, but used in an interesting way...

...I'm waiting upon a sequil...
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Aug 12th 2001#12701 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
nice, though is that your actual work?
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Aug 12th 2001#12716 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2001
Posts: 683
HAHA That cartoon is awesome!

Im waiting for a sequil!
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Aug 12th 2001#12733 Report
Member since: Jul 12th 2001
Posts: 52
no, its not mine...i think i posted the message in the rong spot (sorry mods!!) ...its just sumthing that caught my eye dun by sumone else and i wanted to share...:o...
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Aug 13th 2001#12774 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
nope its in the right section. if you were to put it in the website showcase then i think that they might have gotten mad because it isn't your site.
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Aug 13th 2001#12815 Report
Member since: Jul 12th 2001
Posts: 52
...thats the thing...i did put it in the website showcase! was only till afterwards that i realised what i had done...:(
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Aug 13th 2001#12818 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1452
I didnt move it.

deker or pank must have (probably deker).

No problem and no worries.

Just dont let it happen again, or we'll swarm your house and burn your computer. :D
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Aug 14th 2001#12948 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
just like my grandfather says to make a mistake is ok, but to make the same mistake twice is stupidity. think about that one.
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Aug 14th 2001#12958 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Yes, I moved it.

And yes, I will burn down your computer if you do it again. Even if you build it on water. With a mote. And crocodiles and sharks in the mote. It won't stop the incorrect-posting-people-eating-patrol.
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Aug 14th 2001#13115 Report
Member since: Jul 12th 2001
Posts: 52
lock your doors and hide your pets ppls...deker's on the loose! :p
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