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Critique Me, Critique With A Leather Whip

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Aug 12th 2001#12646 Report
Member since: Aug 11th 2001
Posts: 4
*Wipes tears of laugher from her eyes* Oh dear where did that come from? Yes well, I She God, newbie extraordinaire, would like someone to tell me just what is wrong with my site. As much as I loved showing my stuff to my friends and have them screaming in admiration, they know jack about Web Design. (Sort of like me, ahh) If I showed them a beveled button they’d scream with admiration.

Actually what I really want is perhaps some good advise on this new layout I’m stabbing with my rather funny Web Design skills. This is my first attempt at making a full site in PhotoShop, and then cutting it up and yelling at it to work. So any help on what should be added would be nice. Also I know the eyes look odd, I am taking them out. I just loved them so much on my other page, I was desperate to try and add them in again. Nothing seems to work. Part One, Take One.

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Aug 12th 2001#12651 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
I like your site. A little boring but sweet. Welcome to the forum.
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Aug 12th 2001#12664 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
hmmm, leather?....ok, count me in....but don't tell anyone. ;)

welcome to the group.

about the sites... :
as far as content goes....I read your entire 'fs2' site and just loved it.... when you get the world taken over I need a job.

I really liked the layout too for the most part.... the blue background with the scan lines aren't my cup of tea....but thats really all I don't like about it...

Part One, Take One.

I like what you have so far (except the eyes, but I really think you could make em fit if you wanted to.) however, I think you went a little extreme on the .jpg quality.... the noegoddess banner at the toke looks really ratty because of the low quality .jpg
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Aug 12th 2001#12699 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
i like it, the splash page is pretty cool. the main page is sort of plain but looks good. nice job
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Aug 12th 2001#12734 Report
Member since: Aug 11th 2001
Posts: 4
You’re all too kind, no really, *much* too kind. I was expecting something more brutal, how disappointing. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry right now. I guess I now have a warm fuzzy feeling inside that people actually like my work. I mean I am extremely proud of that splash page. Still, some say the main page was boring, but why? Why is it boring, and what should I do to change it. Don’t worry, you can’t hurt my feelings, I know something’s off with the page, but damned if I know what to do with it.

Tornupinside- Oh believe me dear, when or if I bother taking over this chaotic world, you’ll be the first to know. It’s always nice to add a minoan or three to the pleasurable festivity.

As for the possibility of my new layout, I am aware at its hideous conditions on file size. I wanted it to be small enough that people with lowly computers can look at it and not be incontinence even slightly. Remember, I was showing this to my happy friends first, and some are doomed with rather small machines.

As for the eyes, alas, I’ve tried many times to add them in. No matter where I shove them, it’s going to look odd. Besides, they only look really good on a white background, and believe me when I say it looks rather ghastly with a white background.
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Aug 14th 2001#13117 Report
Member since: May 23rd 2001
Posts: 624
Dear god, its my clone WTF are you doing here. lol
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Aug 15th 2001#13166 Report
Member since: Aug 8th 2001
Posts: 40
The splash page is cool, although I would raise the top bar up to the top, it looks a little odd.

Your main page doesn't look boring just lacks any sort of order.
The scan lines are too strong (tone them down), they make reading the page hard.

You've used Jpeg compression which is too strong. For artwork, try not to go below level 6 (in Photoshop) which is around 50-60% (for programs like Paint Shop Pro).

There is no navigation system, just linked words scattered around the place.

You've used loads of different font sizes in all sorts of places, which adds to the cluttered look.

You haven't got any decorative graphics like on the splash page in your main page(s).

Oh and, if the images (like the eyes and trees) arn't your own, make sure you get permission from the copyright holder to use them. Plus copyright your own work, otherwise there's nothing legally stopping someone from taking your work. For more info, check out "".

Just in case you want to see more sites that may inspire you, check out "". The owner "Mindy" is a talented Photoshop artist. Plus the webcam network she's set up will give you access to more sites like hers.

Need any more advice or help, just ask. =)
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