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New TriWerx Layout | Check it out and critique PLEASE!

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Aug 10th 2001#12498 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2001
Posts: 25

i'd really appreciate any comments / critiques etc
the flash work for this is being currently done...will put that up for critique when done too

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Aug 10th 2001#12499 Report
Member since: Jul 22nd 2001
Posts: 91
Very nice, I like it. I don't have any suggestions for you, because I'm not fussy.

Man, nice work, you gotz. :D
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Aug 11th 2001#12542 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Nah that is sweet man. I am loving that design.
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Aug 11th 2001#12556 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
looks good only the font on the right does not fit to the rest. rest is good.
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