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Please critique my website

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Aug 9th 2001#12275 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 5
I can't put the proper link here because of the obscenity filter so I'll give you a hint..

http://decker.quakesh* (* = i)

I get free hosting with no banners so I can't really complain too much about the domain name

Let me know what you think

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Aug 9th 2001#12277 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1690
It's quite a sexy design. It's well laid out. Very organized. I like most of your maps too. I may download them and run around on em tonight.

I think you might give larger screenshots of the map though. The thumbnails are good, but I don't think many quaker's mind the large resolution sizes.

Other than that, I cant really see anything wrong with it.
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Aug 9th 2001#12279 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I agree with 0blivious, nice site. It's rare that I like a dark site with a black background, but you put it to good use. I like the text in the header, looks good. The only thing I would really suggest is to increase the line spacing of the body text with CSS. Because it's a little close together, which makes it pretty tiring to read.

Nice name, by the way.
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Aug 9th 2001#12280 Report
Member since: Mar 27th 2001
Posts: 2237
I thought it was you "deker" that posted this....

then I saw your post....I just might be losing it


I like it too, so make it 3 attaboys for you

I guess my favorite thing it the flash in the upper left corner...I just couldn't stop looking at it. It would flash or somthing in it would move and "bang" my eye would head straight up there again.. deker is right about the body text does get a little tiresome reading long stretches of it.

Nice Job.
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Aug 9th 2001#12283 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 1452
Looks really nice. Good job. :D
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Aug 9th 2001#12299 Report
Member since: Jul 16th 2001
Posts: 239
simple and nice.,
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Aug 9th 2001#12311 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 407
really like it. layed out really nice. real clean layout. navigation is pretty sweet. the thumbnails are done really well. and the background for the text section is pretty sweet. some type of a blue print.
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Aug 10th 2001#12425 Report
Member since: Aug 6th 2001
Posts: 5
Thanks for the comments guys/gals. I'll have a look at increasing the linespacing to see if it helps.

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Aug 10th 2001#12427 Report
Member since: Jul 23rd 2001
Posts: 371
very cool...but i already..did that logo...for my comp..Digisoft Design...been using it for a year..

very sexy site..good job;)
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Aug 10th 2001#12431 Report
Member since: Apr 16th 2001
Posts: 759
Looks very cool man. Nice, like your design. I was gonna buy quake but my i dont have enough RAM.
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