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Pixelated.... AGAIN

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Nov 26th 2003#130623 Report
Member since: Jul 19th 2003
Posts: 810
So basically, I just got my new domain name and web space and have just started developing a new site to put on them..... so.....

Pixelated Designs Is Here!

I know it doesnt all work at the moment.... (all the pages anyways) but if you go to the about us page you can get a general idea of what it will look like....

Comments and Critisicm Welcome

Many Thanks
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Nov 26th 2003#130624 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2003
Posts: 1203
You need to work on the navigation and the content area. Try to make something more complicated than a simple table.

Also, white on bright green is not the best color combo. <-- visit this site
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Nov 26th 2003#130625 Report
Member since: Jul 19th 2003
Posts: 810
you understand it? i thought it was quite a cool way of navigation..... with the content flow and all..... i dont know if you know what i mean... but maybe you do..?!
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Nov 26th 2003#130630 Report
Member since: Feb 17th 2003
Posts: 2450
the green is definitely an unfortunate choice - although it's a good bg for the chick - nice chick by the way

a bit more complexity wouldn't hurt also

but it's lots better than the last
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Nov 26th 2003#130633 Report
Member since: Jul 19th 2003
Posts: 810
many thanks mihai and telemahkos... that is the sole reason i chose the green background... the girl..... could you think of a font colour that would go betteR?

mihai.... looking forward to pixel peddler!!!
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Nov 26th 2003#130654 Report
Member since: Mar 29th 2003
Posts: 1326
So the background of the girl was green? So you just went with that? I don't really understand how the girl fits in with the design. And the site is kinda plain - you dont really have buttons... and you've used one font throughout the whole thing - it looks kinda boring. The html text is really big, and I dont know why. Think about those things.

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Nov 26th 2003#130657 Report
Member since: Jul 10th 2002
Posts: 1706
Well, I like the colour. I think it could be used well, you just need a few more elements to the site. Right now the colour reminds me of a hospital or a bathroom, but I think that perception can be changed. It's nice to see something different in terms of colour. Good work so far. Now build this sucker up a bit. Use lots of whites and and maybe one complimentary colour for some highlites and contrast and you could have a winner.
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Nov 27th 2003#130762 Report
Member since: Jun 3rd 2003
Posts: 1867
the color works on print, but it doesnt work on the computer screen. It's way too bright. the difference between print colors and screen colors is that the computer screen emits light whereas paper and ink dont. So this green is halfway between being hurtfully bright and mellow, i'd say. You can still tone it down though.

otherwise i'd say it's pretty boring, eyecandy wont hurt :D
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Nov 27th 2003#130773 Report
Member since: Jul 24th 2003
Posts: 17
if its a Design site dont you think that you should showcase your ideas in your own site. you need to push your limits with the design so future clients will be impressed with what you can do.
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Nov 27th 2003#130801 Report
Member since: Jul 19th 2003
Posts: 810
thanks for the comments guys
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