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Dynamite Art |
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106576 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
I redesigned my website(Dynamite Art) and I was wondering what you guys think. It's not that good but it is my first website with a preloading screen and a big interface. Oh yea, some of the tutorials look the same as other websites but I didn't rip anyone. I just wanted to let you guys know that because alot of people e-mail me saying I ripped someone off. Anyway, heres the site... http://www.dynamiteart.5u.com |
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106577 Report |
![]() Posts: 1876 |
Ok, now I don't mean to offend you... but: How can you have a tutorial site that is made 70% with tutorials? I mean... it looks decent. Not as bad as I've seen. Now to get a little more constructive: - The preload page is pointless, there is basically nothing that need preloading. The "sphere" on it is also... meh. - The sideways chrome-filter text is placed badly, and too big. Why have it when you have a logo? - The logo is OK. - The wires that will already have been seen by people that visited your site. - The gray shapes... are just that much. Gray shapes. - The three buttons are too huge and oddly placed... put em as a part of the design or something. - The teeny tiny little iframe in the middle is OK, more on that later. - The tutorials themselves are getting pretty reduntant now. I have seen them on numerous other sites. This one just presents them again, in a harder to find manner. The general: the pages are pretty badly spaced. The main design doesn't carry out through the whole thing. The design itself, looks like there has been a total of 10 minutes spent on it. Oh, and the ad banner completely kill it. The pop-ups then chop up the already dead site and feed it to pigs. Sorry. I would get a lot better at Photoshop first, seriously know the program. Maybe even some 3D proggy too. Then get fairly good with HTML, nothing too guru-ish. Just decent. Then combine those and make lots and lots and lots of layout and sites. Then make a good personal site. |
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106578 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
I wasn't offended at first but that comment you made saying that I need to learn Photoshop and HTML offended me. I know both perfectly well. The logo at the very beggining is just for a little extra filling space. I couldn't add the links as part of the interface because of a problem with slices. The ad banner is part of the free-host so I can't help that and I'm not using brinkster because the bandwidth sux bigtime. Now, about the IFrame. The only reason I made it so small is because thats all I need with it...a small little newsbox. I made the links big so they're noticable and not so damn small. I also centered them to make them look a little more neat. I already said in my first post also that my tutorials are similar but different instructions. I will be adding more tutorials later that are more original and not seen other places. Oh, and about the preloading...I do that because the interface is kind of big and because of the stupid freehost, alot of the images are replaced by the little red X's so I decided to preload them so they actually load. Lets see, I guess thats all I have to say. I'm only offended by the Photoshop/HTML comment but I'm glad you actually spoke your mind.
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106579 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
Oh yea, I do have one more comment. About the chrome text on the left side...I do admit, I don't like that too much and I will probably take it out but I put that there so the interface wasn't so empty(even tho it is anyway.)
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106580 Report |
![]() Posts: 1876 |
This fact that you're good with both HTML and Photoshop doesn't come off in your site. If you're actually good... then show it. |
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Jun 4th 2003 | #106581 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
I am good in photoshop and HTML but I have trouble coming up with good designs and stuff so thats why it doesn't show.
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Jun 5th 2003 | #106697 Report |
![]() Posts: 3893 |
I think everyone need to simmer down a little here, Supersaiyan... the design looks alright, but I think it is to "tutorial" looking like Jester said. I would recommend working on something that is less tutorial and more original. Im not saying this design is BAD, I just think it could be better :P
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Jun 5th 2003 | #106725 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
I kno exactly what you mean by that and like I said, I would do something but I cannot come up with any ideas. I'm thinking about doing a stereo-interface that is actually based on the design of my stereo but thats a little non-original also. What do you think...should I do a stereo interface?
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Jun 5th 2003 | #106827 Report |
![]() Posts: 559 |
I don't like to see ppl getting upset over this kind of thing. It is always hard for me to take constructive criticism too, but we are here to help each other. We want you to do better because we think you can. If you need help with layouts/ideas I would be more than willing to show you some sites that will inspire you. I rely heavily on the opinions of my "graphic/design" peers. I need their input. They are just trying to be helpful and so am I. If you need any links or want design ideas please feel free to ask. :D
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Jun 5th 2003 | #106847 Report |
![]() Posts: 352 |
I don't have any problem taking criticism. I don't want any sites to get ideas because then my layout will become similar to the reference sites layout. I wish I could create a nice creative outline like http://www.eyeball-design.com but now I can't because it would just be stealing their idea. Anyway, I'm constantly thinking about layout ideas so I will sooner or later have a newer, better and more original layout.
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