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A new layout

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Apr 26th 2003#101065 Report
Member since: Apr 10th 2002
Posts: 40
what browser are you using? If you see that many pictures, I would say your web page is hosed. I see two pictures of barbed wire, one above, and one below. And a little tiny pic at the top menu, but I only see a girl. It looks like she's leaning over, or something.

I would really suggest NOT using frames. There's better ways to do things.
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Apr 26th 2003#101066 Report
Member since: Aug 25th 2001
Posts: 1619
I brealy see one image of what looks like it could be kissing, no side bar at all. Maybe its my resolution. 1280x1024
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Apr 26th 2003#101070 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Yes, just use tables on your site. Make it stretch vertically and just have one scroll bar, rather than two.

You would also then want to put your entire navbar on top, so that you don't have to scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the rest of the navbar.

And I don't see a sidebar at all, other than a strange link to sideways on the right.
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Apr 26th 2003#101071 Report
Member since: Feb 17th 2003
Posts: 2450
What the heck are you people talking about? - where's the kissing? - where's the pics? - all I see is a big black thing.... and a teeensy tiny pic on top which may represent someone bending over for a kiss...
it's just a rectangular black shape....
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Apr 26th 2003#101090 Report
Member since: Apr 10th 2002
Posts: 40
Ok, I think I see your problem there. You've got some REALLY funky code going on there. I tested your page in pretty much all the browsers, and you've got one thing going for you.........they're all consistently not showing the proper thing.

I saw what's going on though, when I tested with the "Enigma" browser, and it opened in a smaller window, everything was fine. Then, when I expanded it to fullscreen, it was back to "no pictures, or more correctly, one layer covering the other layers pictures.

I'm running my monitor at 1024x768. Basically, since the resolution is higher, the layers are going to the wrong places, or something. I can't really help you with the code, because you're using frames, and I basically see nothing. (which is basically the same thing the search engines see, btw)

Anyone else want to test this? I almost gurantee that everything is fine if you're running at 800x600. In fact, I tried the zoom feature, in Opera, and when I went to 20% zoom, the adore part, and the barbed wire were all the way on the left hand side of my screen, and the pictures, and navigation were clear on the right hand side. You need something to hold them together, no matter what the resolution. But once again, I don't know techniques you're using to get this strange effect, so I can't suggest corrections.

Also, since I saw your pictures now, and I saw that they're links, I'd like to say............I had no idea where the links were going to go. There's no indication that maybe it will go to the big version. At first I thought it might be to different sections of your site, as well. That's not a good Idea either, unless you have some indication where they're going. It's not such a big deal for people with cable modem, but when you have dial-up, it really takes a lot of time to navigate to different sites, and having some Idea where you're going, before you click, is SO MUCH BETTER.
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Apr 26th 2003#101145 Report
Member since: Apr 17th 2003
Posts: 20
ok, i tested my site out with higher resolution and I see why no one can see the kissing pictures. The Iframe is moving and I am not sure how to keep that together with the box picture.

Forget this layout, it doesn't look good with higher resolutions.

Does anyone know any html tutorial sites that explain how to make a website viewable by all screen resolutions?
E-mail me: [email][/email]

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