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feedback plz

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Feb 13th 2003#90332 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2003
Posts: 74
ayup again.

got bored this morning, i really like simplicity thats why its a bit err simple

anyway honest feedback plz.

ps: click the image. I havent made that noticable yet.
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Feb 13th 2003#90333 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2003
Posts: 74
ok my friend just tried it and he says the new window doesnt appear. This happening to you lot?
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Feb 13th 2003#90354 Report
Member since: Jul 19th 2002
Posts: 19
doesnt happen to me but it asks me to download some weird file
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Feb 13th 2003#90356 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
it does open, but I thought it was a "coming soon" -splash, before I took a look at the source, and noticed the onClick=openBlahBlah() function...
You really should put a hand- cursor on the image, so people will know it's clickable.

On the site......not much to say.. finish it some more.
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Feb 14th 2003#90404 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
Yeah paavo is right, I just thought it was a coming soon page, It actally took me a few seconds to realize that i had to click on it to make the new window open, but yeah it did open.

As for the main site, like paavo said, there isnt much to comment on, but once you get the conent up i dont think it will be all that bad.

Nice work thus far :D
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Feb 14th 2003#90465 Report
Member since: Feb 4th 2003
Posts: 74
changed theme, a lil
any feedback would be luvly...
just noticed ive hit new topic instead of reply. im a fool


any feedback...

i know im newb, how do you add a rollover change cursor effect? the pic still looks like it isnt a link.. somewhere tell me hehe

apalogise about spam
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Feb 14th 2003#90470 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
Well i dont know, i have to say that i like the other one better, it look better IMO. I dont know maybe its the whole purple thing that i dont like about it, or maybe its the fact the this one looks alot bigger, or less professional looking or something.

Overall I have to say I like the other one better :p
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Feb 14th 2003#90495 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
it blew up my flash player.
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Feb 14th 2003#90572 Report
Member since: Mar 20th 2001
Posts: 671
The site is not obious what so ever. As someone said, make a handcursor appear so people know what to do, and maybe some helpful guidance?
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Feb 15th 2003#90606 Report
Member since: Jan 4th 2003
Posts: 69
god make it so ppl will know to click the bomb thingy took me 3 seconds to figure that out...i almost shut the page but then i thought i might as well click ...for some reason...
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