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Take Your PS skills to the NEXT LEVEL!!!

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Feb 2nd 2003#88701 Report
Member since: Jan 13th 2003
Posts: 14

Hi All,

I have a new site that has just launched ( Its dedicated to Digital Compositing & VFX Creation & Learning.

The site is funded by myself, and it is NOT for profit…I have developed this site for educational purposes only!!! I was inspired by, and hope to offer that level of member service one day!!

What is digital compositing i hear you ask...well its like PS on horse steriods ...and much much more!!!

The creation of frames/scenes involves layering elements into a final 'composite' work of art....including effects and other very cool stuff!!! The major difference is that it works with motion :D

Exisitng PS users will find this new avenue very rewarding & challenging!! With lots of demo programs availale for the industry leading applications...its very easy for you to 'get your hands dirty' straight away!!

Come on over to the site, register, download a demo from your choosen software supplier...and start learning the stuff professional feature film makers know!!!

Bob has fully endorsed my posting this thread...and he is very excited by my new site!! He also see's the natural progression from PS to digital compositing!!

Hope to see you all very soon

Cheers again

Paul Moran
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Feb 4th 2003#88967 Report
Member since: Apr 4th 2001
Posts: 274
Nice.. Just had a quick peak now, but I will check it out when I get home... in a week....
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Feb 4th 2003#88970 Report
Member since: Jun 7th 2002
Posts: 97
its cool but takes to long time to loade, to many objects.
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Feb 4th 2003#88990 Report
Member since: Jan 13th 2003
Posts: 14
hi jeay,

what connection are u on ?? this is the first 'takes to lon to load' i have had :(

cheers for the feedback mate

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