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Nov 27th 2002#80083 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Here's a site I just made for my boss:

I used this a shopping cart script and just customized it a little. After working with the script for about a week, I have decided that I don't like it that much and it is pretty limiting. :(
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Nov 27th 2002#80086 Report
Member since: Sep 7th 2002
Posts: 928
looks very clean, I really like your business site too!! what script are u talking about?
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Nov 27th 2002#80092 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632

I'm using for this one. I was going to use but it lacked the ability for people to enter their own text to customize items, which obviously is the main part of our business. So I went with this one instead. I will probably use OSCommerce for all of the other sites I do for him though, after working with this script. It is just to limiting. The admin interface is clunky, requiring you to go to about 4 different pages to add a single item with a lot of scrolling in between, etc. Also the search is very limited. You have to enter keywords to search by. It doesn't just search by the title and description of the product. You also can't search by price or anything like that. And you can't order the products in the categories by alphabet or price or anything. They are just ordered in the order that you enter them, and stay that way. You have to choose which items to put in the "new items" section. It doesn't just put the new items there automatically. And they also stay there until you manually edit them. Same with best sellers, and deals sections. You have to manually select what is a best seller. It doesn't do it automatically.

Overall it's just kind of an under-powered script. OSC is perfect except for the customizing of items feature. OSC does all the stuff I mentioned above automatically. It's almost like Amazon or something. And completely free too!

ClickCartPro doesn't even have a breadcrumb navigation trail built-in. It's $25 extra to have it installed after you already paid $100 for it.

Plus all the items in your catalog in the admin interface are listed on one page. They aren't broken into categories or anything. So if you have 400 items, they are all listed in one big page in the order you entered them. Not in alphabetical order. Not in categories.... not in order of price... it's very sluggish.

ClickCartPro would be great for a small site that has maybe less than 20 items or so. But for what I want to do with that site, it is getting pretty frustrating.
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Nov 27th 2002#80105 Report
Member since: Dec 13th 2001
Posts: 1008
Very nice looking site (at any resolution), clean, simple and effective. Only one thing I don't really like and thats the use of Times New Roman for the text at the top.

Other than that, it's a real good looking design :D
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Nov 27th 2002#80106 Report
Member since: Jun 30th 2001
Posts: 447
I'm impressed Deker. Regarding your choice of shopping cart: it wouldn't be hard to add a field for an items description in OS commerce.
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Nov 27th 2002#80107 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Hunkorama, I found a contribution that adds the ability of custom fields in OSC, but I had trouble installing it and ended up going with CCP instead of messing with OSC. But the woman the programmed the contribution sent me the same build that she made it on, so it should be easier to install for the next site. You still have to manually edit the database whenever you add a new option because she didn't update the admin panel to use the textbox thing. So I'll probably try to make it work for the next site. We just wanted to get this up in time for the christmas rush, so I was in a hurry. Thanks for the nice comments though guys.
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Nov 27th 2002#80110 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2002
Posts: 1693
Well I really like that site too but the only thing that "bothers" me is the clock on the left side...
Not sure what it does there...
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Nov 27th 2002#80112 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
it's just a big picture of one of our products so people will get a feeling for what we sell immediately. If there we no pictures on the front page, they wouldn't know what to think. Maybe we are a travel agency or somethign since we have a picture of mountains on the top of our site....
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Nov 27th 2002#80113 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I think it looks good deker... maybe work on the bottom of the page some more, it doesnt seem to expand like the rest of the page at higher resolutions, but other then that i think it looks great... nice work man :D
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Nov 27th 2002#80115 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I've tried to get it to expand, but they use some crazy table layouts in this script, and it would take a major overhaul to get it to work perfectly. So I am happy to just leave it.
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