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Nov 18th 2002#78845 Report
Member since: Nov 18th 2002
Posts: 267
Check out my site.
Feed back would be useful because I'm going to do a complete overhaul within 2 weeks (I hope).
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Nov 18th 2002#78847 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
I wouldn't make your site in a pop-up window. And I DEFINITELY would not take away the address bar, back button, status bar, etc. That is web design no-no number one in my book. You are taking away people's standard navigation tools and forcing them to learn how to use your own ill-planned scheme. And you also cause the problems that you mentioned on your front page about crashing browsers and always returning to the same page. Obviously it's not such a good idea to do pop-ups and take away elements of the browser.

Also I would make your font a nice 11px Verdana or something. That courier is a real pain to try to read. We don't use typewriters anymore, so why still use the font that they used to use?

Also your page doesn't really need to use flash... It's doesn't add anything to the site. The same effect could be achieved with an animated GIF roll-over. I'd say either do something with Flash that is more Flash-worthy, or just use HTML. Don't just go halfway. If you are going to do Flash, do something spectacular that will really take advantage of the strengths of Flash.
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Nov 18th 2002#78852 Report
Member since: Nov 18th 2002
Posts: 267
I'm sorry ;(
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Nov 18th 2002#78853 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
No need to be sorry... I'm just giving you the tips you asked for... you can take my advice or no, it's up to you.
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Nov 18th 2002#78854 Report
Member since: Nov 18th 2002
Posts: 267
Ok, it just seemed a bit harsh.
The bugs caused are browser fault, I've done my research, the inclusion of the back and forward buttons was for those that CAN use them, they're not designed to be a necessity.

I use a pop-up window because there are so many different ways to view sites based on your resolution and browser configuration, I figured having most of the screen would be a good thing.

I have taken what you said on board, and "bad" comments are often more useful than good ones.

The only thing I disagree with totally is the flash, there is the HTML option, so I'm not forcing people to get the flash plug-in if they don't have it, and the same effects aren't available any other way, with all the fading in and out of the text and the white.

ThanX anyway, I hope you like my redesign, when I eventually do it.
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Nov 18th 2002#78857 Report
Member since: Mar 18th 2001
Posts: 6632
Back and forward buttons are a necessity... most people become completely lost in sites that take them away from them. There is a very good reason that every single browser on earth has back and forward buttons. I, personally, will leave a web site immediately if they take away my browser buttons or open the site in a pop-up. You are taking control of MY browser and MY computer, which I really don't appreciate. And I know many other people on this forum do the same thing. I even have pop-ups blocked thru Opera, so most of the time I wouldn't see a pop-up site anyway. (The exceptions are when I visit sites in here... because I am critiqueing them and therefore have to be able to see them.)

Instead of forcing people to view your site in a pop-up window that comes up the size you think it should be, make your site stretch to fit any resolution. It's pretty easy to do, and you will have much better results than trying to force people to view the site the way you want. Also, since the pop-up window is so big, if someone has their resolution set lower than the pop-up, they will have to take it and drag then entire window around just to see your content.

As for being harsh... you won't learn anything if I just kiss your ass and tell you how great your design is and how talented you are. (I'm not saying you aren't, I'm just saying you won't learn anything that way)
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Nov 18th 2002#78873 Report
Member since: Nov 18th 2002
Posts: 267
The pop-up is resizeable, the idea is that you make it full screen or drag it to the size you want, it will work in anything 640 x 480 or higher.

I am gonna get rid of the pop-up for my redesign.

There is a back and forward button underneath the main text window, it fits in with the other segment things.

Also, I think the pop-up window opens up at the default size of your restored browser window.


ThanX for people's comments, my problem lies within the desing aspect and trying to emulate what other people will find asthetically pleasing. My technical skills are ok, I'm not trying to brag, but I know quite a bit about the technical side of things.
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Nov 18th 2002#78882 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2002
Posts: 1693
The splash page could need some work...
If I didn't see it from this forum I wouldn't go in to a site that has that kind of splash site...
Okey about the site...
Well I DO agree with Deker...
If a site opens as a popup then the first thing I do is usually pressing Alt + F4...
And the site could do some more "layout" form
Now it's mainly a bg image and text on it...
Not as much a "layout"...
The site is still okey I don't mean it's bad or anything...
But well it could use some work
Have fun
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Nov 18th 2002#78883 Report
Member since: Nov 18th 2002
Posts: 267
I really hope you guys don't think of me as ameteur (I hope I can spell), I know my desing isn't the greatest, but I hand code everything and I check for cross compatibility and optimisation, and so on.

I just need some help with making my web site visually stimulating.
Do you have any ideas? What are your favourite layouts, what about colour schemes and BG images?

Anyway, as soon as I get my XHTML book, I'll strat the majority of my rework and I really hope you lot like it.

Also, what do you think about my desktop wallpapers?

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Nov 18th 2002#78892 Report
Member since: Apr 24th 2002
Posts: 901
i liek the log, but the rest i don't like,it doesn't fit together and i don't think they are good graphics for a website
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