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my first english site,,,

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Nov 13th 2002#78230 Report
Member since: Apr 23rd 2002
Posts: 10
how about you think it?

Mod Edit : *ni hao* .. Please use links instead of direct posting of images
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Nov 13th 2002#78244 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114
First, please don't fudge up the board, use links instead!

The English sucks on the page, but you know that, right? :p

I wouldn't use a gradient that huge, think of someone uses the crappy color settings, it'd look absolutely horrible! D:

Otherwise, I do like the feeling of it, and think it looks very decent.
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Nov 13th 2002#78288 Report
Member since: Aug 12th 2002
Posts: 1693
I still think it looks really nice...
Good for a "company site"...
And yes...Paavo has proberbly right with those things he says about the gradient thing...
would never had thought of that myself
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Nov 14th 2002#78320 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
Well i think the top part looks great, but i needs something along the left side, it just looks really open, or like you forgot to put an image there or something, maybe work on that a little...

my other suggetion would be to work on the "heading" things...(ie "lets god china today") I think they are just to simple compared to the rest of the site, maybe work on those some more... :p

Other then those things i think it looks pretty good.. nice work :D
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