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Site Im working on....

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Nov 12th 2002#78123 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
I have been studying this instrument for a while and decided to create a site based around it and the culture.... I put it up today and will start adding content here soon. But what do you think so far? I got that dang digi-news script working and will be making it different (graphics) soon (as well as making an original looking phpBB forum and phpCalender....)
The splash I made a long time ago, but my girlfriend told me it had to stay cause she likes it =)

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Nov 12th 2002#78128 Report
Member since: Jun 5th 2001
Posts: 150
I like!
I can hardly see the word "Programs" or any of those titles, thyre too light.

the links in the top right corner are not working with that flower in the bkg.

Overall, I like your Idea. One thing that would do a lot is not to have the site cut off on the right, have that header image streach all the way, like make a pattern and dump it into a table so it dosent push itself over when in a smaller esoultuin. Oh. res should work @ 800 x 600.
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Nov 12th 2002#78136 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
Thanks Shane....

I will be formatting the news box so it doesnt look that way.

Not all the links work yet.... I just have the roll over states.

I am thinking of putting an edge, kind of like how this forum has an edge on it. That way it wont cut off entirely, I know what you mean though. I had it where it went 100% with a shim, but it didnt fit right with the way the header looks.

Thanks dude.... =)
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Nov 12th 2002#78141 Report
Member since: Jun 20th 2002
Posts: 378
I agree with Shane, the layout looks good but I would either transition the right side or give it a border line, I think that will add a little bit of contrast to the look of the page.
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Nov 12th 2002#78149 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2002
Posts: 132
ur adding an edge. yay.

then the only thing i have to suggest is make the titles more visible.

other than that, it looks great.
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Nov 12th 2002#78155 Report
Member since: Mar 24th 2002
Posts: 3114

I'm on 1152*870.

And I'd add a 1px dark gray border to the whole thingie.

Otherwise it's just great IMO.
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Nov 12th 2002#78168 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
Thanks b00bmaster,

I am not sure why the layers dont work when you go up to your resolution. and i have to tweak the tables a bit more. I have more coming in the next few days.
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Nov 13th 2002#78182 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
looks pretty good marble... but i would move the header image all the way to the top of the page, and some advice...

LAYERS = CRAP (in most cases)

I would just is iframes.. even though they dont work in some browser, they work in most, and IMO they are alot more effective then layers....

Other then a few things here and there i think its a pretty good start... nice work marble.. :D
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Nov 13th 2002#78189 Report
Member since: Nov 26th 2001
Posts: 2586
Yeah layers are cool, but dont work 100% yet. dangit.....

I have to rip it apart and re-layout the tables to get them to fit better.
THanks for the critiques =)
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Nov 20th 2002#79157 Report
Member since: Oct 10th 2002
Posts: 218
awesome it looks good.
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