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Advice plzzzz

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Oct 14th 2002#73703 Report
Member since: Sep 17th 2002
Posts: 104
this is not a good website . Still working on it , advice plzzz . Thanks
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Oct 14th 2002#73759 Report
Member since: Jun 6th 2002
Posts: 132
ur rollovers repeat forever, which is really irritating. im thinking thats just an honest mistake.

i like the unique layout, but its a bit to empty below the button's text. and there needs to be some kind of... framework or integration. everything seems splashed around, not in unity.
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Oct 14th 2002#73762 Report
Member since: Sep 17th 2002
Posts: 104
wat you said really help me , thanks alot . I'll try to make it better . But I still need comment and Advice . Anyway , thanks
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Oct 14th 2002#73764 Report
Member since: May 1st 2002
Posts: 3034
I liike the mouse overs, if it was a bit slower it would be excellent
keep the like they are, just slow them down
and I dunno if thats the best place for the shoutbox..
but other than that. its quite nice
keep up the good work
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Oct 14th 2002#73766 Report
Member since: Sep 17th 2002
Posts: 104
You know why , I saw lots of digital websites , thay are really great . But sometimes , I think their are so many digital web , so I just wanna change the atmosphere alittle bit . And that's why I've been doing it . thanks so much
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