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site design - take 1

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Oct 3rd 2002#71902 Report
Member since: Oct 3rd 2002
Posts: 2
just trying out a few things for a car club site.. what ya think?

skylines australia
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Oct 3rd 2002#71904 Report
Member since: Jun 16th 2002
Posts: 1391
Don't make it a pop-up. What's up with that motion blur on the left side of the background?
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Oct 3rd 2002#71907 Report
Member since: Sep 16th 2002
Posts: 1876
oOoOoOh...someone likes skylines...:D

im fine with the whole pop up idea...but i didnt even notice that you can scroll to the right to find all kinds of stuff..maybe its just me....hmmm

good job!
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Oct 3rd 2002#71912 Report
Member since: Sep 17th 2002
Posts: 104
I like that ****ing yellow car , great job
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Oct 3rd 2002#71918 Report
Member since: Sep 19th 2002
Posts: 232
theres nothing wrong with pop ups.. just add a scroll bar on the bottom.. hes right.. u cant see everything unless u resize the window.. thats kind of weak.. almost like you're hiding your content.
and that blur is a single pixel line being stretched. and hence the name
pixel stretching..
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Oct 3rd 2002#71920 Report
Member since: Oct 3rd 2002
Posts: 2
The effect that i'll try and aim for is rather than a vertical scrolling site, I want a horizontal scrolling site, i'll make that more apparent with maybe a wider page, and some directional arrows, to let the user know to scroll sideways..

Yep, ive just stretched the photo across to make it fit on the background

Yes, I like skylines... ive got one
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Oct 3rd 2002#71972 Report
Member since: Oct 3rd 2002
Posts: 9
I like what your doing. Looks good. Just a few things...

The pictures look great. But the splash page and background pic could load much quicker. The splash page image is a jpg. try saving it as a gif w/128 colors. It's not a full color shot and a gif will be a lot smaller.

I like the blur. I could tell you were trying to extend the background... but who cares. We all have to do stuff like that now and then. my only problem with it is that it's a large White area. Our eyes tend to go to areas of brightness and sharpnes when we look at an image. Keep them, just tone them down. Make the brightest white streaks narrower... the rest of the streaks can still be there. Maybe even clone some of the skyline in behind the streaks.

I love the idea of a panoramic site. All the sites we see today are vertical. But our eyes want to look side to side. Keep going... but add a scroll bar.

Take care,
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Oct 3rd 2002#71994 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
I think its ok.. i dont really like the popup idea for a few reasons, it takes the navigation controls away from the use.... most internet newbies dont understand the consept of a chromeless window etc... but do know how to sue the back buttons, home, etc... and i personally dont like them because 1. they are to simple and you dont get the true html that a person needs to develope 2. I just hate popups in general... and thats about it...

The site design though is pretty decient.. and those cars kick ass :D nice work on that part of the design
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Oct 3rd 2002#72026 Report
Member since: Apr 20th 2002
Posts: 3000
wtf i didn't have to scroll :(
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Oct 4th 2002#72143 Report
Member since: Apr 12th 2002
Posts: 438
Dude that is fooking incredible.. I love it.. LOVE it.. sexiest site I've ever seen for a car club.. one of the sexiest I've ever seen in general.
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