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TWO sites to critique. . .

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Sep 5th 2002#67882 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2002
Posts: 5
I posted this site earlier, but it was unfinished at the time. Now it, and another site, have been completed. They're as follows:
The home page for a popular e-newsletter centralized around the southeastern U.S. They wanted a sleek look. Professional & inviting. I did my best. . .
The home page for a new restaurant. The main two things I'm troubleshooting on this one is 1) the movie d/l speeds (since he INSISTED there be music involved) and 2) the lack of content they gave me. I don't have any pics or extensive info from them AT ALL!!! :mad:

Let me know what y'all think, i'ight? Thanks alot.

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Sep 6th 2002#67913 Report
Member since: Sep 6th 2001
Posts: 3893
well the digital guest list one looks pretty good.. took kinda long to load on my dialup connection... but its still good...

The famous tommy d site, has a few thigns that i would change... for one... i dont think you need 2 splashs, just the flash intro is enough, and as for the main site.. .well it takes a really long time for it to load... or at least it did for me... I think its that logo huge file... (not needed :D) i would drop that image... and maybe make it so that he header arch thing aligns more with the navigation... it looks like it really out of place... other then that its good...
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Sep 6th 2002#67932 Report
Member since: Jul 15th 2001
Posts: 2019
i think the first one would be good w/o the changing pics and the threed logo doesn't fit just sitting there...but that's just me since i'm anal and stuff like that.

the fries stuff:

Moroccan Munchy

it took me awhile to realize that's how the fries are served...i thought it was just fried mayonaise or something which is really gross. but that site i think u could do w/o the music and something about the layout sticks out, but i don't know what it is exactly.

well good job
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Sep 10th 2002#68590 Report
Member since: Jun 18th 2002
Posts: 5
I changed some of the file formats to make things load quicker. As far as the music, he INSISTED to have it so I've been troubleshooting ways to make it load faster.

Honestly, these are the reasons why I'm trying to learn advanced Flash quickly. . .so I can make Flash sites which seem to be much more media-friendly and aesthetic.

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