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hehe, euro is funny... |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30894 Report |
![]() Posts: 223 |
First: I said that I don't want to pre-judge all americans, so no argument about that needed okay? This is what i read before I pushed the reply button. It may have been said as a joke, but it has been said! The fact that those thought came up in his head were enough for me. The last sentence of that post is just to save his ass. Bush only cares about the Americans and America itself, that's fine to me! But if thats all you care about, then that's all you should talk about, stay the **** in your own country and leave us alone! Lots of people agree with me on this, like grums. You should read a european paper, it'll be full of critique against the USA. Oh, sorry, you don't speak no other languages, cause everyone else in the world just has to speak english right? That brings me to another point. You should see an American tourist in a country like spain or italy, where not everybody speaks english. They look at those people like they are cows or something, like they are to stupid to live. But do they speak Spanish or Italian themselves? No they don't, cause everyone should speak English! What i ment with the cars and car parts in movies is that Americans think that everything thats not american sucks. Some guy says: Damn car, broken again. Other guy says: That's what you get when you buy a stupid foreign car. And sketches like that are not in just one movie! And no, I've not been to america, but I've seen this one ignorant cowboy who thinks he's the leader of the world, though half America loves the lamer. I've seen the news, I've seen documentaries, I've seen lots of movies, I've read books, magazines and internet sites so I have enough resources to create an opinion. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30895 Report |
![]() Posts: 223 |
And what I forgot to say in my last post, this is not to offend any of you personally AND i would never judge americans because of shows like Yerry Springer and/or movies alone. And Deker, that last paragraph of your post is just plain stupid. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30896 Report |
![]() Posts: 771 |
my car's Japanese. I never say it sucks. In fact, when it bites the dust, I will probably buy another japanese car. Why are you so bitter anyway?? You just don't seem to know a whole lot about Americans, ZD. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30898 Report |
![]() Posts: 223 |
You should know that you shouldn't only discuss an argument itself but also the thought behind it. My opinion isn't all based on the car parts thing, that was just an example So you have a japanese car? Great for you. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30900 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
You may not want to pre-judge all americans, but you are doing just that... repeatedly. My last paragraph was stupid, well so was yours... You've never been to America. You see it on tv and in magazines and movies. Guess what, I've most likely BEEN to your country, and I still don't understand it. So how can you possibly understand America from only hearing about it? I've BEEN to Holland, and guess what I saw... A bunch of chocolate shops, a bunch of places to buy wooden shoes, the "Biggest Wooden Shoe in the World", etc. That was in a tourist town. That's all I saw. So what am I supposed to think about Holland? That's the image they are giving out to the rest of the world... That's what they are known for. Sure there is a lot more to Holland than that, but I'm not going to pick up on that by staying there for a week, and certainly not going to pick up on it thru TV or a magazine or the movies. I don't have much to say about the language thing... I can't control how our education system works, so I can't force everyone to learn another language. One thing about America though, our country is so big that most Americans will never leave our country. It's not like Europe where you have smaller countries and you can just drive around to another country where they speak a different language. So I don't think it's as important to be multi-lingual in America. And besides, what language should be taught in schools as a second language? Spanish? German? Japanese? Of course an American tourist isn't going to speak Italian or Spanish... That's why they are tourists... A lot of European tourists that come to America don't speak english... Speaking the native tongue of a company should not be a pre-requisite to touring that country. If it was, then no one would ever go anywhere. Not all Americans think that everything not-american sucks. Again, you are making blanket statements about an entire country based on what you saw in a couple of movies. I drive a japanese car, I have a japanese tv, dvd player, vcr, video game console, half of my clothes were probably made in mexico, and half of everything else I own was most likely made in Taiwan or china. I don't like American cars... What I really like is Porsches, BMWs, Mercedes, etc. Ford and Chevy's do not appeal to me at all. If I was a farmer, then they probably would. But even then, ford and chevy would be my only real option. BMW doesn't make a truck... And toyota, honda, etc. don't make full-size trucks. So if I need to haul a couple thousand pounds of hay around, of course I'm going to use an American made truck. I made the statement about us inventing the phone and the internet and everything as an exaggeration and a joke. I don't retract it, as it is all true. And my last sentence was not to save my ass, I was just saying that a lot of other countries do a lot of other great things, even though I may not know about them. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30901 Report |
![]() Posts: 274 |
Ach.. don't drag me into this to much.. i said i agreed with your opinion of Bush.... he does a bad job internationally... and nationally... at least that's my impression. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30902 Report |
![]() Posts: 223 |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by deker [B]You may not want to pre-judge all americans, but you are doing just that... repeatedly. No, I'm not. I'm judging the American government, the people that support their dicisions and opinions and the Americans I saw on TV, in magazines and on the internet. My last paragraph was stupid, well so was yours... You've never been to America. You see it on tv and in magazines and movies. Guess what, I've most likely BEEN to your country, and I still don't understand it. So how can you possibly understand America from only hearing about it? I've BEEN to Holland, and guess what I saw... A bunch of chocolate shops, a bunch of places to buy wooden shoes, the "Biggest Wooden Shoe in the World", etc. That was in a tourist town. That's all I saw. So what am I supposed to think about Holland? That's the image they are giving out to the rest of the world... That's what they are known for. Sure there is a lot more to Holland than that, but I'm not going to pick up on that by staying there for a week, and certainly not going to pick up on it thru TV or a magazine or the movies. So you've been to Volendam? Did you know about the disaster that took place there, about the hundreds of teenage victims? Probably not. But we did see everything that happened september 11th, we do know about Every disaster that happens in your country. And not only disasters, we know about every strike, every political dicision and every financial crisis. Holland is not on TV and in magazines as much as America, so i've got lots more of resources to rely on. Like I said, I don't mean shows like Yerry Springer. I watch the news and other programs that show reality you know. I don't have much to say about the language thing... I can't control how our education system works, so I can't force everyone to learn another language. One thing about America though, our country is so big that most Americans will never leave our country. It's not like Europe where you have smaller countries and you can just drive around to another country where they speak a different language. So I don't think it's as important to be multi-lingual in America. And besides, what language should be taught in schools as a second language? Spanish? German? Japanese? But that doesn't mean that the people who don't speak English are plain stupid does it? Maybe you didn't know but Lots of americans do think that way. Do you think that Europeans travel to other countries alot? No way, but do they speak the other languages? Yes they do. Of course an American tourist isn't going to speak Italian or Spanish... That's why they are tourists... A lot of European tourists that come to America don't speak english... Speaking the native tongue of a company should not be a pre-requisite to touring that country. If it was, then no one would ever go anywhere. I would, my neighbour would, my grandma would, 3/4 of europe would. Have you frequently visited a foreign site on the internet? Most Europeans have. Not all Americans think that everything not-american sucks. Again, you are making blanket statements about an entire country based on what you saw in a couple of movies. I drive a japanese car, I have a japanese tv, dvd player, vcr, video game console, half of my clothes were probably made in mexico, and half of everything else I own was most likely made in Taiwan or china. I don't like American cars... What I really like is Porsches, BMWs, Mercedes, etc. Ford and Chevy's do not appeal to me at all. If I was a farmer, then they probably would. But even then, ford and chevy would be my only real option. BMW doesn't make a truck... And toyota, honda, etc. don't make full-size trucks. So if I need to haul a couple thousand pounds of hay around, of course I'm going to use an American made truck. Okay, screw that one sentence I typed in my hundred sentences counting column cause that seems to be the only argument you guys can get rid of. I made the statement about us inventing the phone and the internet and everything as an exaggeration and a joke. I don't retract it, as it is all true. And my last sentence was not to save my ass, I was just saying that a lot of other countries do a lot of other great things, even though I may not know about them. [color=red]What you said was stupid. When you say "I can do this, this, this, this and this better than you, but you can probably do something too, just don't know what it is" in an ironical way, I would still be offended and in the same situation so would you (When your human)[/B][/QUOTE] And grums, I'm not dragging you into this, I only used your name in the Bush-paragraph, cause you said you agreed in it. |
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30903 Report |
![]() Posts: 274 |
but u wrote it like i agreed on everything u said.. which i don't....
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30906 Report |
![]() Posts: 223 |
Didn't mean to, excuses...
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Feb 13th 2002 | #30929 Report |
![]() Posts: 1297 |
I'm just catching the tail end of this (hopefully)... and um, LIGHTEN THE F* UP! teamphotoshop.com forum to discuss politics? I'm sure you can do some political bashing somewhere more suitable than a f*ing graphics forum. Don't you people have jobs? Or actual humans to interact with? I'm just trying to protect the integrity of a really cool site. |
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