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Dec 20th 2001 | #24225 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Please. Get off of your cross. We need the wood. 1- Re-read my post you arogant child. I said and I quote: "most of the mp3's I have, I also own the album it is on." This means I went and spent the money on the album. Now I may not have paid 15 bucks for the cd, but that's because I went to the "recycled cd bin" to buy them. 2- I do not advocate anyone downloading mp3's to avoid the cost of purchasing their favorite artists music. However, the fact that you are paying 15 or 20 bucks for something that could be much cheaper if record companies and musicians the like were more concerned with producing a quality product instead of lining their pockets with my hard earned cash. I pay for my internet connection, I will do what I damn well please with it. At least I'm not making bomb threats to abortion clinics or threatening the lives of countless people because my underpants are bunched so far up my ass it would take surgery to remove them. Some advice to you, TheDPQ. Before you try to preach to me or anyone else about "stealing is bad" and other cliche you learned last year in preschool, know what you are arguing for. Since you have graced us with your presence, just about every post you have made has been argumenitive and insulting. If I felt you were as intelligent as you want us to believe, I might be concerned that you take offense to someone wanting to know how old other people here are or wanting to exchange ICQ numbers. Stop being a bitch to get attention. If you have a comment that is valid to the topic being discussed, please, post away. Otherwise, don't be a **** head. If you don't see any validity in posting your age, DONT ****ING POST IT! Thank you. |
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Dec 20th 2001 | #24228 Report |
![]() Posts: 1452 |
Well said.
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Dec 20th 2001 | #24244 Report |
![]() Posts: 624 |
Re-read my post Done, my mistake. I skimed over it because i was leaving soon. While you yourself, more power to you, actually buy the music you listen to alot of people don't. I'm not a huge music fan, per se, but i do have a deep love for the music i do choose to listen to. And it just burns me when someone heard about some of the music i, or anyone, likes and just proceeds to go and d/l about 50 of the songs never intending to pay for them ever. I listen to alot of 'little' guys so thats why i'm so bitchy about it, it DOES make a different to them. But i can't say that stealing from the little guys is any worse than the 'big' guys. Its all stealing. instead of lining their pockets with my hard earned cash Music is a business like any other. You really don't expect them to do it for free do you? This is their living. I can't even think in the terms that they are 'ripping' me off. Because if i don't want to pay that much for the music than i just don't get it. Yes,music stores are whores for charging you alot. But theres always Emusic, there always Bargin Bins like you said. Theres just so many other choices. So many people just flop down on the ground when they see a CD price and convince themselves its 'ok' to go steal the music than. At least I'm not making bomb threats to abortion clinics *sighs* what does this have to do with stealing music? Does it make it any less worse? No. Those people have even more ****ed up minds than kiddies stealing music, that BESIDE the point. "stealing is bad" and other cliche you learned last year in preschool Whatever, insult me if you want and compare my beliefs and opinions to that of a 5 year old that just learned stealing was bad and suddenly goes around nagging at every about it. Just because its annoying doesn't make it any less wrong. about every post you have made has been argumenitive and insulting That would be grossly inncorrect. I'd say only 1/3 of my posts have been argumentive. As for insulting, thats debatable. I'm actually quiet helpful when i feel the specific topic or opinion isn't retarded or wrong. take offense to someone wanting to know how old other people here are or wanting to exchange ICQ numbers Wrong agian. I didn't 'take offense' i just stated, plainly, that the question was stupid being that it was the only question he asked and that there were a number of questions that would you MUCH more insight into knowing about people. He got all pissy about it so we bickered about it. It wasn't anything he wasn't doing either And um, i never even came even CLOSE to implying changing ICQ #s was wrong. . If you don't see any validity in posting your age, DONT ****ING POST IT Notice that i didn't post my age. |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24317 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
Go to hell.
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24325 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Im going to skip around a bit. I hope you can keep up. It's annoying non-the-less. Stop it. If you can't be helpful, don't post in the thread. That's all people are asking for. We don't need your snide remarks because you think you are above the topic of discussion. Read the subject of the thread. If it doesn't appear to be something you are interested in discussing intelligently, please pass it by, we will have lots more fun without you chiming in with your comments. The fact that you think you are the one who decides a post is retarded or wrong is pretty much proving my point. Thanks for helping me out there. Amazingly, you have been staying on topic in this thread, but I don't count on it lasting. I don't know if you are the pimply faced kid that sits in the back row because he/she is scared the teacher will call on them or if you are really such a hard ass in real life, but I deal with enough crap from adults who act like children in my career. I don't need to get on this forum, where I come to relax and talk with other like-minded individuals and see the crap that spews forth from your fingers so effortlessly. It has to do with that fact that there are much more important things going on in the world right now. Things that could decide the fate of thousands of human beings. I think they are a busload more important than a millionaire losing 15 bucks. So far, everyone I have talked to since making that post grasped that was exactly what I was saying. *shrug* 33.33333% is a pretty big number when you sit down and think about it. Considering your number of posts since your triumphant return to teamps, I would say that 33% of your posts being insulting is going a long way. Especially with people who may not know that you are just a jack ass and you act like a child for fun. Gee. Lemme see. If you asked a question to a room full of people but instead of someone answering it, they just yelled how stupid you are for asking such a question and how useless the knowledge gained from asking such a question would be, don't you think you would be a little upset? I think you would. Infact, I think you are right now. Fin. |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24352 Report |
![]() Posts: 624 |
Stop it. *thinks* hmmm no ![]() you think you are above the topic of discussion. Nope, not at all. Not even remotly close to why i post the way i do. If it doesn't appear to be something you are interested in discussing intelligently Hmm now lets see. Oh golly gee i DID repond to the topic on hand. It just morphed into something else. Silly me for posting an opinion about something, than that REPLYING to new replies. This is a place of conversation is it not? Are all posts and responces here 100% graphic-related? I think not. The fact that you think you are the one who decides a post is retarded or wrong is pretty much proving my point. All it proves is that i have opinions. I'd say the majority of topics swings in different directions, maybe not as dramatic as this. But again, psh, no one has to reply to me if they don't want to. If they are so against conversations being off topic. Amazingly, you have been staying on topic in this thread, but I don't count on it lasting. *shakes head* you know what? Before you go and assume how many posts i have stayed on topic, why the hell don't you actually read some of the other threads i post on instead of the 4, yes, only 4 topics, that i have really gone crazy on. I don't know if you are the pimply faced kid that sits in the back row because he/she is scared the teacher will call on them or if you are really such a hard ass in real life Ya know, i might be bitchy in my posts but atleast i'm not insulting on purpose. And i don't out of my way to mock people in other areas *claps hands* has to do with that fact that there are much more important things going on in the world right now and i repeat myself, that is entirly BESIDE the point. WE aren't talking about those issues here are we now? we are talking about music, protection, and the major reason behind that protection. 33.33333% :rolleyes: IT was a joke just a jack ass and you act like a child for fun. Glad you know me so well! cheers! stupid you are for asking such a question Wrong again, i said the question was stupid. QUESTION. Not the person. And sorry no way around it, just knowing someones age tells you little about them as a person, only thing you can really determine is whatever sterotypes and assumptions you can get out of that age. |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24359 Report |
![]() Posts: 358 |
Axiom, you're being a hypocrit, you lambast DPQ for being arguementative and ruining your relaxing time in these forums with other nice friendly people and at the same time you persue the same course of action as she, with just as much, if not more verve and intensity. Some of your points are still valid though, DPQ, you seem to have an ability to make even the most reasonable of people froth and foam at the keyboard. Try not exercise it so frequently. I like an arguement and a fight as much as the next person, but I don't think pank made these forums with much fighting and argueing in mind. Hell, you even got me pissed off enough to post in this godforsaken thread of pointless bickering. *shakes fist* this is an art forum, you shouldn't get bogged down in banalities! *gets off his soapbox* And as for cd encryption and music pirating, which was the topic of the thread, personally, I'd like to see all artists supported by the state and all art free for all. Go socialism, go! |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24367 Report |
![]() Posts: 409 |
I'm starting to love this forum ... it really extends my english vocabulary. Q: is it all worth the fight ??? |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24380 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Actually Czak, I am going out of my way to prove a point. I can tell I have gotten a rise out of someone when they read through my post so they can extract the bits and peices and then say "no you are wrong" but not have any way to back up why I am wrong. This is an opinion based forum. You are going to see lots and lots of bs flying from one person to the next. What I am tired of seeing, as are the mods and the administrator of this forum, is people who go out of their way to be an ass to others just because they think the topic is stupid. Your words DPQ, I only interpret them. Perhaps you should start thinking..."is this posts going to inflame someone?"..."am I doing it intentionally?"..."will this have reprecussions from someone who wields power on the forum?" Of course, I wield no power. And it's probably a really good thing. After your first post to sidefx, I would have removed you from this forum. TheDPQ, start thinking about what you are typing. Then reread it after you are done. Then reread it one more time. Then, after you are sure that you aren't going to start a flame with your post, click the submit button. If you don't think you can discuss intelligently without being a complete dick, then don't post at all. That's all we ask. Nope. But there are always going to be those people who the only way to get through their thick heads is to berrate them every chance you get. If pank tells me to stop, then I will stop, otherwise every post of hers will be met with utter sarcasm. |
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Dec 21st 2001 | #24383 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
clap clap clap clap clap
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