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why is Axiom disgruntled |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18114 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Axiom is angry for several reasons. Only a few of the issues that make Axiom upset are to be discussed on this forum 1- Why is everyone so fascinated with Anime type graphics. The way I see it, none of the people who submited "peices" with Anime characters have done any original work. The true artists are somewhere in Japan being paid high dollar to draw disproportionate women being gang raped by the three-eyed tentacle monster from planet boombaziko. You have actually done nothing but add a truckload of filters and other misc crap to the image to "personalize" it. 2- Why do you want to produce someone elses work? Why are people constantly posting pictures of someone elses blurry, color dodged filter ****ed Anime pictures and want to reproduce it? I have noticed a trend. Most of the people who post questions about "how do I make the background this color, but keep everything else the same color?" appear to be in their early teens, just discovering women. Here's a little hint. REAL WOMEN DO NOT LOOK LIKE THAT. Go outside before you are a 40 year old man, living in your mom's basement, playing with yourself to 30 year old cartoon characters. That is all. insert your flame below ---------------- |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18116 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
hate to get involved in this, but: You just posted what I had in my mind.....weird. |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18117 Report |
![]() Posts: 1109 |
you mean all women don't dress like school girls?
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18119 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Matt - Odd how that happens eh? Charm - Only the naughty ones :p |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18142 Report |
![]() Posts: 414 |
Don't hold back now....tell us how you really feel!!!! LOL I agree, I don't like putting another artist's work in mine. I don't really care for Japanimation either. Lates, Justin |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18143 Report |
![]() Posts: 1109 |
you mean all women aren't naughty school girls?
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18153 Report |
![]() Posts: 507 |
heheh.. I agree with grassfolk, lets hear all of your reasons... the ones you made above are good points, lets hear the rest.. Snore |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18168 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
please refer to the WWIII thread for one of the other issues that is bothering me. A couple other things have to do with family and aren't meant for public eyes. |
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Oct 8th 2001 | #18175 Report |
![]() Posts: 1003 |
Must you drag me into the gang of anime/clipart lovers here? There's such a thing as being a "born loser" ya know. ![]() I unfortunately fall in that category no matter how much I do in the real world. |
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Oct 9th 2001 | #18185 Report |
![]() Posts: 6632 |
I couldn't agree more. (with axiom) Everyone just wants to duplicate everyone else's work it seems. You see a cool effect somewhere, and you want a step by step 'recipe' for how to create exactly the same thing. Is it really your artwork when you do that? -------------------------------------------------------- For example, an architect creates a blueprint for a house. It is a beautifully designed house; so beautiful in fact that you can't help but weep every time you look at it. Along with this blueprint comes a set of directions on how to build the house. Along comes a carpenter... Doopty doopty doo... (yes, carpenters really hum to themselves like that. I have proof.) He gets the blueprints from the architect and builds the house. Now everyone that stumbles upon the house falls to the ground weeping because of its sheer beauty. Now who should get the credit for this incredible beauty? -------------------------------------------------------- I happen to believe that the architect should get the credit. Sure, the builder did a fine job of following the directions, and I'm sure he can operate a hammer extremely well. Oh and his spackling work is just amazing. But the architect is the one that actually designed it. The builder just followed directions. No, this isn't the best analogy in the world, and I'm sure some anal people will try to say that 'well the architect couldn't build the house. And if the carpenter wasn't there it wouldn't exist' or something equally obnoxious. The point is, is that a lot of the 'new kids on the block' seem to be growing up into fine software operators; not artists. I don't claim to be a full fledged 'artist' myself, either. But I do try to come up with creative ideas that I have not seen from other web sites before. I sketch out logos with pencils and paper, I take walks and examine everything in the world around me... 90% of the day (that I'm awake) I am examining everything I can trying to pull inspiration from it. I don't always pick something up and rub it or stroke it... (though that can be fun also) most of the time I just look at everything. Look at the wind blowing in the trees; get down on my knees and examine a blade of grass; look at things from different angles; examine how shadows are cast; look at the angles created in my home or office building and how they change depending on where I'm standing; look up close at a dandelion and its incredible ability to be mind boggling simple and complex at the same time. There are a lot of fantastic color combinations in nature as well. I know I'm mentioning nature a lot, but isn't that the best example we could have? In almost every single interview I've read with all of the famous web artists, they say that nature is their biggest inspiration. Examples, Josh Davis of www.praystation.com fame. All of the guys at www.juxtinteractive.com... Mike Cina of www.trueistrue.com, and the list goes on. My point is that they don't usually say, 'Yeah, I'm really inspired by www.k10k.com.. ' if they were, they would most likely make a site that looks like k10k. They all pull inspiration from other sources around them, whether it be nature, or music, or fine art, or mathematics or books. Then they take that inspiration, and they add their own creativity, to come up with a completely original idea that blows everyone's mind. I would really like to see more of that happening. You don't have to be a photoshop expert to come up with a great design. Photoshop is just a tool. I used to make landscape portraits out of my leftover SubWay sandwich when I was in grade school for goodness sakes. Take out a pencil and start scribbling something. Sure it may be hard and you may only draw stick figures, but that doesn't mean you won't get better. I suck at drawing too, but I'm getting a lot better because I practice. Operating the pencil isn't the problem. Hopefully no one will need a tutorial on how to do that. The thing everyone needs to learn (myself included), is how to look inside of yourself, using your creativity, and the tool of your choice, and output that onto paper, the screen, the canvas, the dinner plate, whatever; and express yourself. And I think that's all I'm trying to say. |
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