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Sep 19th 2001 | #16590 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Pank, Please ban me so I don't have to listen to this moron bantar anymore. It's getting annoying. Rahklin, You must be one of the 'toothless, ignorant' militia men I was talking about. Dave Silver seems to be one of your kind of people as well. 1 - I don't think there is one American on this forum who doesn't know what we "white people" did to the American Indians. 2 - Where is your commentary on slavery in the United States? Why don't you throw the race card in there. That's generally what trigger happy dipsticks do when they don't have a leg to stand on. Or maybe it's because you don't care about the struggle of African Americans to get on an even keel. Your comment: But it is that simple. bin Laden is angered at the presence of American troops in the Middle East. Particularly our presence in Suadi Arabia, his home country. Whenever you decide to bring something new to discuss to the table, please do. Seeing as how your sources appear to be from biased, hate groups who have nothing better to do than sit around, pile up gun and blow up federal buildings, your comments fall on deaf ears. Whenever you and your cronies decide it's time to over throw our 'imperialist, facist' government I and several million other TRUE PATRIOTS will be waiting on you. But I do applaud you for being able to find links to post here to cloud the subject even more. |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16594 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
Thanks Ax, it makes me feel good to crack a smile once and a while. I appreciate that. That was about the best-worded reply to a post I have read in months.
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16596 Report |
![]() Posts: 87 |
im sure you dont want to hear anymore from em, but heres one more link to piss you all off, then ill drop this and leave you all alone last one replace **** with a fitting four letter word (f**k) |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16597 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
404 EDIT: Fill in the **** with FU*K Yet again, another column from some militant moron who hates this country, yet refuses to move. As I said in an earlier post to this thread. And if he thinks that the 89% of the new eligible voters that didn't vote, are suddenly going to rise up and vote for this jerk-off, then he is dead wrong. (If only the "dead" part were true, then I wouldn't have to read this crap.) And to you rahklin, if you agree with this stuff, then I have one thing to say to you...there is a boat with your name on it heading across the Atlantic Ocean...get on it. It disheartens me to know that there are such people that live IN the United States. You people need to get together and start your own little country on an island that will soon sink into the ocean. And another thing, it amazes how you people only speak your anti-government propaganda when a tragedy such as the one that occured on the 11th comes up. Pull your heads from your asses and start paddling. |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16599 Report |
![]() Posts: 2019 |
I'll do a little mathematics for you. the formula: people that do something contrary to something blatantly obvious = stupid. (well, in this particular case that formula works out, but in most others it wouldn't) you = person that does something contrary to the blatantly obvious. (Yep, still working out in this situation) why are you trying piss us/me off on purpose? i don't know how pi$$ed the other people get. but i'm getting to the point of antagonistism ![]() and this question is for the mods, can i post a link for rahklin to go to, but it may be offensive, so lcan i post it while warning people that the site may be offensive and don't click if they'd be harming their virgin ears/eyes? : / |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16627 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
An informational link. Nothing to do with the argument, but will allow you understand more about the Taliban. http://encarta.msn.com/find/Concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761588418 |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16634 Report |
![]() Posts: 170 |
isn't it nice to have the freedom to speak your mind? too bad some people have to abuse that freedom. |
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Sep 19th 2001 | #16635 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
I always find people who complain about things that happen as a result of the freedom they have here interesting. I find comparing random, unprovoked attacks on US soil to millitary action we've taken in other countries just plain stupid. Generally actions have a cause of some sort, a thing that can be directly linked to the event it resulted in. This is true for millitary actions our country takes, even if you may not necessarily agree with the action. This wasn't true for the thousands of innocent people that were slaughtered last week. They were killed because someone doesn't like us. That's not a reason. Chris |
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Sep 20th 2001 | #16681 Report |
![]() Posts: 2019 |
[[ WARNING: this site has adult content and explicitory language, DO NOT go if you are easily offended or WOULD be offended of the nature of the contents]] www.amishrakefight.org/gfy k thanx ![]() ignorance) |
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Sep 20th 2001 | #16693 Report |
![]() Posts: 1690 |
Matt - They speak of their hate for the US Government all the time. They are just too busy hiding behind their excuses for true patriots to hear it. I am going to bring up a couple points I have missed as of yet. 1 - If these people who preach anti-government feel so badly for the plight of the American Indian, then why don't you give up your land and other worldy possesions to them? Seems to me that if you hated the government so much, you wouldn't want anything that is a product of such a huge, power monger. It's very odd that while on the one hand they dislike America and everything it stands for. On the other hand, the still live here. They still collect wellfare, social security, unemployment and a host of other benefits given to you because you pay taxes and you may have had a few tough breaks. 2 - My experience with people like you are that you really hate everyone. Mostly you hate your parents because they didn't hug you enough. So instead of seeking some type of mental help, you take it out on others. You blame the government and it's components. Odd how these groups didn't start forming until around the time of the Civil Rights movement. Just about every American knows that the same people who stock-pile fire-arms are the same people who burn crosses on lawns, lynch those you consider "anti-white" and exhibit 100's of other hate monger traits. Give it up. You have lost a war that never started. Sure, you can blow up buildings. You can write pretty words that blame the government for every bad thing that has ever happened to you, but when it comes down to it, you are all just scared children who need their blanky. |
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