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jmc_21 |
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Jul 4th 2006 | #173752 Report |
![]() Posts: 159 |
[QUOTE=jmc_021]blah, blah, blah[/QUOTE] jmc_21, I initially was going to respond to you in a private message but since you made the choice to publicly challenge me, I thought I would post right here. << I'm sorry you take issue with my choice to have a signature like that, but its just that.... my choice. For years on end I lived my life hard and fast all the time reaping both the joys and pain of my lifestyle. Three years ago or so I had an epiphany (don't know what that is? look it up.) and came to the realization that my life must change, and change it has. I joined a great church, married a great woman, and had a great little boy. This church helped me out of the rut I had been in, and while I (as most are) was scepticle as to what God could do for me I was willing to try it. (I had tryed almost anything else you could name.) The Bible says: if you'll have faith the size of a mustard seed God will show himself to you. I think that small faith is simply the willingness to believe. Jesus commisioned ALL of us to go into all the world and tell them the good news.... What is that news? Jesus loves you...and he loves us so much he was willing to die for you and... pay the price for our sins that we may be forgiven. Not only do I "know "Jesus"... he commissioned me (and you) to be his spokespersons. As I said, I am very sorry you take issue with my signature, but when faced with what YOU think and what God thinks... I'll choose God. Furthermore... (more on the Photoshop topic) I have been doing print graphics for almost 20 years. So, if you see me give bad PS advice... by all means, Challenge me on it. However if the only issue you have is my personal choice of signature on a "public forum" ......deal with it. << jmc, if you want to talk about this futher please take it private OR make a post in the General chat section as you should have in the first place. |
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Jul 7th 2006 | #173796 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
I just ran into this thread here and then ran into the original post by jmc_021. Not sure what the problem is with having "Jesus Loves You" as your signature, but apparently this cat went a bit off topic. So I'm looking for jmc_021 to clarify what the problem is with the sig man. Care to explain your reason other than that this is a graphics forum. From the posts I've seen from Lion of Judah, "active users" are finding answers to their questions on PS and don't seem bothered by the sig. So what's bothering you? A bad day? Cheers! |
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Jul 9th 2006 | #173809 Report |
![]() Posts: 3893 |
This issue could have been better taken care of Via Private Message. Additionally you are free to put whatever you want in your signature (with obvious limitiations), freedom of religion is written into the constitution and as long as your not forcing your religion on anyone else than I don't see a problem with it. If you need to discuss this more, please use the Private Message feature. Otherwise, this thread is locked. |
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