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a question for discussion... (political) |
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Sep 3rd 2004 | #159615 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
this is something i just don't get and i haven't seen addressed in the media anywhere. why is Kerry so upset about the fact that the "swift boat veterans for truth" may be connected to republican supporters and are posting ads that attack his character, when MoveOn has been attacking Bush for the last few years and is very clearly sponsored by a number of high-dollar democratic supporters? chris |
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Sep 3rd 2004 | #159616 Report |
![]() Posts: 124 |
Well, everyone will try to defend themself. It's a humans way of acting to such things. This sort of attacks have been going on forever and in my eyes will always be there. There prolly are so much more to all of this than we know. It's sure weird, but Bush is also defending himself when it comes to it, so why does he get so upset when his supporters are doing the same. |
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Sep 3rd 2004 | #159630 Report |
![]() Posts: 2586 |
Whats silly is Kerry actually went to war, unlike Bush.
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Sep 4th 2004 | #159669 Report |
![]() Posts: 1604 |
i'm not saying he doesnt have a right to get upset, anyone can get upset at whatever they want to. nor am i specifically questioning his war record, nor am i justifying bush's. what i did do was ask how these two seemingly similar situations are not being paralleled, and so far i've seen two non-responses. chris |
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Sep 4th 2004 | #159692 Report |
![]() Posts: 970 |
It’s not covered in the media because the media blocks a lot of what MoveOn.org wants to air. I remember around Super Bowl time CBS wouldn’t air that “Child’s Pay” commercial. I don’t know about you but I’ve seen the “Unfit for Command” ads more than once.
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Sep 4th 2004 | #159701 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
If I was a television studio, I would have wanted to block any ads comparing Bush to Hitler too. CBS didn't run a PETA ad during the Super Bowl either. They don't pick and choose which ads they want to air, it is their policy not to run issue-supporting advertising during the Super Bowl. Keep in mind that CBS aired that ad 10 to 20 times the day of Bush's State of the Union speech. And CBS is pretty far from a Bush-supporting network. I think that Kerry hates the fact that there are people that don't like him, and like all liberals, he wants to use the courts to solve his dilemmas and silence his enemies. I don't remember Bush screaming out against MoveOn.org when the Hitler ads were submitted. While I'm somewhat on the subject, lets talk about the differences between Liberal and Conservative mindsets. Why is it that you can't put a Bush sticker on your car for fear of getting keyed, and why are the antiwar protesters so violent? Why is it that John Kerry lawn signs get left alone, but Bush ones are burned, stolen, or spray painted? Why is it that a Kerry supporter can feel safe in a group of Bush supporters, but a Bush supporter will get beaten in a group of Kerry supporters? Personally, I prefer the mindset of a Conservative over the mindset of a Liberal. |
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Sep 5th 2004 | #159711 Report |
![]() Posts: |
Conservatives believe in individual fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, charitable responsibility, and the rights of the individual. Liberals belive man left to himself will act unresponsibly--therefore it's the responsibility of big government to regulate responsibility. To prove their point, as individuals they take no responsibility for their actions and act like juvenile delinquents! On the subject, Kerry is being overly 'indignent' because he knows the truth--maybe the boaters are HITTING TOO CLOSE TO IT!!! 3 purple hearts and he got to go home! 3 purple hearts and not a day in the hospital! How'd those injuries happen anyways??? Only Kerry and the good Lord know. And maybe a fellow boater or two. Maybe THAT's why he needs to silence them! |
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Sep 5th 2004 | #159714 Report |
![]() Posts: 970 |
What I find interesting is that we can compare someone’s attack on someone based on 4 years of living under their administration to an attack on someone’s life that they were never involved with. Bush wasn't serving with him in the service... The “Childs Pay” commercial isn’t comparing Bush to Hitler. It’s saying the children are the one’s who are going to have to pay off Bush’s 1 trillion dollar deficit, and CBS does control what commercials they air. If they don’t play advocacy ads then why did they play "What you run into" which is an ad by the pharmaceutical-manufacturers association telling you how wonderful the pharmaceutical companies are and how good it would be to have a [government-sponsored] drug benefit that had these characteristics? Personally I think of Conservatives (in general) as people stuck in their ways, and Liberals as those who can see both sides of the coin. |
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Sep 5th 2004 | #159752 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
Seeing both sides of the coin and trying to sit on both sides at the same time is a little different. Conservatives seem stuck in their ways because we like the way it is, we don't think we need more more more, we don't think that we as a people need to change, we think that things right now are just fine as they are. I didn't mean for it to sound like the Childs Pay commercials and the Hitler commercials were the same thing. I'm not going to defend CBS here anyways, as I believe that CBS is a left-leaning network. |
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Sep 5th 2004 | #159755 Report |
![]() Posts: 970 |
[QUOTE=mattboy_slim]Seeing both sides of the coin and trying to sit on both sides at the same time is a little different. Conservatives seem stuck in their ways because we like the way it is, we don't think we need more more more, we don't think that we as a people need to change, we think that things right now are just fine as they are. [/QUOTE] Maybe that’s why it took so long to abolish slavery? I could give a crap if both conservatives and liberals were doing it. The fact that people get too comfortable with how things are means other people suffer. |
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