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Can i blame republicans for this?? |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147659 Report |
![]() Posts: 644 |
I thought this would be interesting. http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/corptax2.html Try to look at all the facts in this page, you will be blowned away. |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147663 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
Do you think that corporations (the people who hire people) should pay (higher) taxes? If so, then why? I think the government is too greedy as it is, I don't think the governements needs any more money than they already dig for in every single tax that exists. Why in St. ****ing-Peter's name would you think it's unfair for corporations to pay low or no taxes?
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147671 Report |
![]() Posts: 1867 |
Because generally corporations have more money...? Is it really fair to tax low class Americans the same amount as rich CEOs? It's a debate, yes, but it's not like there isn't a valid argument behind the Democratic side to it. Oh and by the way, how does George Bush plan to cut America's deficit (by half in 5 years) like he says? By lowering taxes and increasing services? Sounds like a nice idea but money don't grow on trees. America's gonna have to get money from somewhere, and it's not like they can tax farm animals or something. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13463-2004Feb27.html |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147672 Report |
![]() Posts: 970 |
[QUOTE=mattboy_slim] Why in St. ****ing-Peter's name would you think it's unfair for corporations to pay low or no taxes?[/QUOTE] Corporations consume a heck of a lot of recourses? |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147678 Report |
![]() Posts: 644 |
Are you kidding me?? Matty boy must be really rich to believe in the tricke down theory. Just answear me this, lets say for argument's sake. YOu make 100,000 a year and i make 25,000 a year. You think is fair for me to pay the same or more percentage of my income than you? Just a question for everyone. Did anyone see how much more american Bosses make that the rest of the world? They make 475 what the average worked does. And america beats all other countries too!! |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147681 Report |
![]() Posts: 942 |
Answer this logically - what is fair? Fair would mean they both pay equal amounts, proportionally. Nos. |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147695 Report |
![]() Posts: 33 |
Corporations dont actually pay taxes.The stock holders pay them.When the taxes are increased the "cost" is passed on.So the average citizen who owns stock (like you and me) end up paying the increased costs. Same thing if the govt was to tell retailers that their taxes have been raised from .. lets say .10 on every dollar to .50 on every dollar.How can the retailer stay in buisiness?Simple.Pass the cost on to the consumer in form of higher cost for their product or service.So again you and I end up paying the increased cost for that buisinessman to remain in buisiness.You see he only collects the taxes and then passes them on to the govt.He doesnt make anything on the taxes. The whole premis of the argument is false.Its framed to appeal to our base emotions in the form of class warfare.Pit one group of peep against another.Black against white,gay against straight,male against female,rich against poor,on and on and on with the hope of setting you or your party up as the guys in the white hats who are goin to come in and save the day. Same ol promises for the last 50 years.We recently went through 8 years of these empty promises.Govt education should be coined for what it really is = child abuse! You can blame republicans which I guess is the intended result.I blame govt education which refuses to teach economics 101 anymore. ;) |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147701 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
[QUOTE=supahsekzy]Because generally corporations have more money...?[/QUOTE] Oh great, another Robin Hood sympathizer. Answer me this Supah: Do you think it's fair to make me give more of my money away JUST because I make more? ------------------------ Hey, I'm not saying the income tax system is fair either, but I also don't think the rich should have to pay more money because they make more money. THAT is unfair. It's unfair to punish someone who works hard and makes more money, the same as it's unfair to to punish someone who works hard and makes less money. Maybe a consumption tax is the answer, where you simply tax consumer goods at, say, a 25% rate. Items like milk and clothing should be taxed at a much lower rate, if taxed at all. Then I can choose whether or not I want to pay the tax by whether or not I need that item. Items like speed boats, televisions, and Febreze would be taxed at a higher rate because they are not necessities. There are arguments for and against both systems, and maybe in 6000 years we will have the right answer. Or maybe the government should provide services that people can buy. Then the government controls how much money they make by the quality and quantity of services that they provide...which of course will likely put every other competing business out-of-business, so that's not the right answer either....blah, my brain hurts. |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147706 Report |
![]() Posts: 33 |
National sales tax or a consumption tax is the best system.If your poor you pay little or no taxes.If your rich you cannot "dodge" paying taxes.No exemptions and no exceptions.Very simple. Too simple for our legislators.It would save billions of dollars every year because there would no longer be a complicated tax structure and the IRS would be absolved.Tax lawyers would have to seek work elsewhere.Read more here: http://www.fairtax.org/ It is so simple and cost effective that it is highly unlikely that congress will go for it.They would prefer to waste and spend and use this as an election year issue.Which they should be able to do if they can jus keep "dumbing down" the average american and continue to play the "class warfare" card. |
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Apr 10th 2004 | #147712 Report |
![]() Posts: 942 |
Robin Hood, prince of thieves! I agree (are you a Libertarian)? You must remember, though, that this quote is taken from an era where John F. Kennedy was considered a liberal. If ol' JFK were around today, he'd be, by definition, a conservative. Nos. |
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