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Does anyone still believe this guy? |
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Jan 24th 2004 | #139343 Report |
![]() Posts: 1203 |
Our nation was founded by immigrants. How can you deny them the same chance people from other nations have. Immigration is restricted mostly from Latin America and Africa because people are so goddamn Xenophobic. They are illegal immigrants because there is a system in place which makes it harder for immigrants from certain countries become citizens. And the cost and requirements for becoming a citizen are prohibitive for many millions of the lower classes in Mexico. Why do you feel that you have a right to have access to the jobs you do? You didn't work for that right (for all American born people), you were just born and you had the right. Why are they different because they were born 100 yards over an imaginary line? They don't want to come to America, they do it because they need the money, because they have families to support. They do it out of necessity and our nation will not allow them that right because they don't have to money to go through the regular process. Illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do. They get up before sunrise and pick fruit until sunset so you can have your f*cking tomato in your big mac. Americans don't want those jobs. And don't claim it's the money. Illegal immigrants have to be paid minimun wage. That's right. It has been upheld in numerous court cases. If there is one thing that pisses me off about Americans, it's that they feel like they've got some right to be where they are and they do as much as they can to restrict other people from having the chances they do. I have family in El Paso, Texas about 100 yards from the border. I have seen people cross illegally, I know people who have crossed illegally. But you know what? I could have turned them in but I know that they did not want to leave their homeland for this strange nation, they did it out of necessity. Ask yourself this question: If your family was starving and there was no work, would you leave them and travel hundreds of miles in order to feed them? Would you leave everything behind in order to make sure your children didn't die of malnutrition and starvation? The people who leave do it for these reasons. I am a legal mexican living in this Xenophobic land called America. Why should an imaginary line prevent someone from feeding their children? I'm sorry, but you're totally ignorant on this matter. All of you. Not until you have seen what I've seen can you talk about this and truly understand both sides. Go to the Mexican border towns, see how they live. Hell, go into the heart of Mexico and see it. How can we deny them the rights we have? Are we not all human? Are you better than they are? Do you deserve a better chance to feed your family than them just because there is an imaginary line? Giving other people the same rights you have?!?! OH MY GOD! Someone call the National Guard! The police! The army! What a travesty! How can they do that? It's not like they bleed red like you or anything. There obviously of a different make up so we like to keep them out. The United States is seeming more and more like a club for the lucky. Which is suprising because we stole our country for the most part. |
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Jan 24th 2004 | #139358 Report |
![]() Posts: 3734 |
I have witnessed firsthand illegal immigration turn a nice town into a complete hellhole in less than 10 years. Storm Lake, Iowa. I used to live less than 20 miles outside of Storm Lake, where we would spend weekend days at the lake, go shopping, visit friends and family there. Storm Lake has since gone to complete hell. You can't go out at night for fear of getting robbed, mugged, worse. Most businesses have all but dried up. EVERY DAY I hear of somebody getting arrested for something major (attempted robbery, armed robbery, attempted rape) in Storm Lake. I've since moved and now live about 45 miles from Storm Lake, but Storm Lake makes up the majority of the area's news. The worst crimes that happen in my current town are some kid stealing a Snickers from Wal-Mart. Found a link that explains Storm Lake: http://rwor.org/a/v19/920-29/920/storm.htm And note that many notable Latino groups in California are against Bush's 'Guest Worker' policy. EDIT: Forgot to mention: Not all northbound immigrants are looking for work either... EDIT #2: An article written by a Storm Lake native who is not against everything going on, but interesting nonetheless: http://www.populist.com/4.97.mytown.html EDIT #3: A clipping I found: Note that Spencer is where I live now. |
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Jan 25th 2004 | #139376 Report |
![]() Posts: 1867 |
You guys really need to read this article: http://maddox.xmission.net/c.cgi?u=walmart I agree with Telemakhos. And Maddox. ![]() |
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Jan 25th 2004 | #139387 Report |
![]() Posts: 85 |
Jesus age christ I don't check for not even a day and it goes from 3 pages to 5 lol
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Jan 25th 2004 | #139389 Report |
![]() Posts: 1203 |
And for the people still insisting about the war: http://www.theboywhocriediraq.com/ Read it. It's logic not rethoric. |
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Jan 25th 2004 | #139465 Report |
![]() Posts: |
Tele: of the umpteen terrorist cells that were rounded up or tracked after 9-11; how many of them do you think were here as legal immigrants? If I understand you correctly, it sounds to me that you are advocating an 'open border' policy. Thought this one through have you? edit: I just read the link on theboywhocriediraq. You have GOT to be kidding me? Really? You SOUND very intelligent to me. Much too intelligent to buy into this inanely moronic article. I stomached about 2 1/2 pages before I went and threw up, well... only the dry heaves. This jester is guilty of what he preaches on his front page. Tell the same lie enough and it will be accepted as fact. The only reason you would believe this stuff is if you WANT to believe it. And when I see a bright kid like yourself buying into crap this, it just makes me sad. I don't say this with malice, just saddness. |
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Jan 25th 2004 | #139477 Report |
![]() Posts: 1203 |
Read it all the way. He makes an argument beyond propaganda. It's a call for awareness, he's merely using the current administration as a spring board to higher objectives. I'm not calling for an open border. I'm calling for equal borders, and a policy that people can achieve citizenship no matter of their financial situation. Immigration from Latin America and Africa is restricted more than from European nations or Canada. And now that you mention it, what is wrong with an open border policy? Why can't we let anyone in? We can continue fighting crime, there will always be crime, but why do we stop people from crossing an imaginary line? Think about it. It's because Americans are afraid people will ruin this great setup we have. We murdered thousands of Indians, rip off hundreds more, and and even stole from Mexico for this nation of freedom we have today. So why can't we let people in? Because the government has people so afraid of foreigners that we forget we all bleed red. People are afraid that because they look different from us that they will somehow screw up America and exist for that sole purpose. They just want the same chances you have, and they actually work to get them. As for your question. How many were illegal immigrants? I would like to know myself as well as how they tell the difference between illegal immigrants and terrorists. |
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Jan 26th 2004 | #139513 Report |
![]() Posts: 970 |
[QUOTE=Telemakhos]Read it all the way. He makes an argument beyond propaganda. It's a call for awareness, he's merely using the current administration as a spring board to higher objectives. I'm not calling for an open border. I'm calling for equal borders, and a policy that people can achieve citizenship no matter of their financial situation. Immigration from Latin America and Africa is restricted more than from European nations or Canada. And now that you mention it, what is wrong with an open border policy? Why can't we let anyone in? We can continue fighting crime, there will always be crime, but why do we stop people from crossing an imaginary line? Think about it. It's because Americans are afraid people will ruin this great setup we have. We murdered thousands of Indians, rip off hundreds more, and and even stole from Mexico for this nation of freedom we have today. So why can't we let people in? Because the government has people so afraid of foreigners that we forget we all bleed red. People are afraid that because they look different from us that they will somehow screw up America and exist for that sole purpose. They just want the same chances you have, and they actually work to get them. As for your question. How many were illegal immigrants? I would like to know myself as well as how they tell the difference between illegal immigrants and terrorists.[/QUOTE] A complete open border policy is just a horrible idea. The amount of people immigrating to Mexico is a small fraction compared to those who would immigrate over here. With the un-equal border policy with Mexico right now, we still have more people immigrating over here. It’s very hard to have a fair this and a fair that when one side would be benefiting so much more than the other. It’s probably true a little paranoia has something to do with our border policy. But the reality is that FAR more people throughout the world immigrate here than we immigrate anywhere. You have to limit the amount of people. |
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Jan 26th 2004 | #139514 Report |
![]() Posts: 1203 |
But why? Why can't we let as many as possible? Why can't we let them in? Our nation (the eurocentric part at least) was founded on immigration and we can over by the droves and overcame the indians in population. It didn't matter if they wanted us here, we came anyways. Now we think we can deny other people access to our stolen land? Look at the big picture.
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Jan 26th 2004 | #139518 Report |
![]() Posts: 1028 |
Okay tele, you can feed, clothe, house, employ, and provide for every single person who wants into the U.S. Let them all in. It's not about mistreating other people by not letting them into our country. If they really want to immigrate, then they can go through all the steps necessary to become a legal citizens. The problem is there are all these illegals who think they can avoid the law. I work, I pay my taxes. They work, they buy cases of Corona cause the government doesn't know they exist. A real wake up call for me happened this past week walking into the DMV. Apparently our governor put a new law in that requires DMV officials to check for more valid ID for licenses than they have in the past. Before, any illegal immigrant could get a drivers license with simply the Mexican equivalent of a birth certificate. Now people have to prove they're either citizens or here legally. This law goes into effect the first week of February. I was there a few days ago and the place was FILLED with Mexicans, all trying to get licenses before the law goes into effect. There was such a rush on the DMV I had to make an appointment to get my license renewed because there was at least a 5 hour wait. It's the people who are here illegally who don't think the rules should apply to them are the people I have a problem with. ... I ramble.... so much.... |
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