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George W. Bush Achievements |
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Sep 13th 2003 | #121716 Report |
![]() Posts: 2421 |
The easier of the two options is to prove them true. Would you agree? If I said you stole 5 bottles of Jack Daniels and were arrested how you could prove that was not true. On the other hand if it was true there would be records of it somewhere. Either a paper, police records, etc. But I see your point. I'll just throw this out. If we really "attacked and took over two countries" don't you think we would just keep rolling and take them all over? We would never do that. It just bugs me that our soldiers are over their being killed day by day and it seems non-appreciated. We are there to help. If we wanted to take over we could, but we won't. That is not what we do. We help those who are in trouble. The U.S. is the largest (by far) donater of money to poor countries. Is that a good thing. I guess so. I'd be happy worrying more about the U.S. and keeping things safe here than blowing 87 billion in IRAQ. But then again Bush makes a valid point. Fight the bad guys on their turf, not ours? It's very easy to see either side fo this argument. "MY" opinion is we are doing the right thing and in the end history will show that we were. I don't want to try and imagine what would happen in the world if we (and many others) didn't try to stop terrorism now. |
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Sep 13th 2003 | #121718 Report |
![]() Posts: 3893 |
Well said Pank... I totally agree. I personally dont think GWB is doing that bad of a job considering all of the crap that has happened sence he has been in office. I think hes handled things rather well... ie Iraq, sept 11th, etc... Hes probably had to fix more **** then any other president. But opinions are like asswholes everyones got one and some of them really stink. |
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Sep 13th 2003 | #121722 Report |
![]() Posts: 1028 |
Okay I'm kind of busy right now, but I'll edit this post answering the other questions later. ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS PRESIDENT: I helped rid two countries of destructive and cruel governments that were killing their own people. I also am in the process of rebuilding those countries to a stable, active, and prosperous era. Oh **** off. Find me proof of that. Remember back in 2000 when then Gov. Bush was campaigning? He said that the country was on the verge of a recession. Liberals’ blood curdling screams could be heard for miles as they accused him of “badmouthing” the great Clinton economy. Now he’s blamed for it. Who’s badmouthing the economy now? Yeah, the OK City bomber. Find me an Oklahoma resident upset over that decision. A ****ing DWI. So he got caught. You know he wasn’t the only president or presidential candidate to get in trouble for something. Most of the time their rich parents would try to cover it up. Ronald Regan was picked up by a cop when he was a little kid because he was throwing rocks at a window or something. I guess he’s a criminal too. Again, I want to see numbers. Look at Dean. I want to see numbers, but again, Bush said it was coming. So you like a president that talks more than he works? I’m glad Bush hasn’t done press conferences. He’s going to be using up every last minute of his term in office hunting down the terrorist responsible for 9/11. Do what now???!! Last time I checked it was Congress who amended the constitution. What are you talking about? There aren’t any specifics in this statement, give me some and I’ll prove it wrong. And he killed little kittens too? I want proof. So he set the record for protesting against himself? I don’t remember this, so if I can get an article about all this pissed-off liberals crowding the streets give it to me. Then how are you getting all of this information? Maybe they’re rich because they know how to get a job done. Maybe they’re rich cause they know how to work to benefit an organization rather than themselves. *Cough*Depression*Cough* Roosevelt. Come on man, it’s a freaking recession. I’m struggling against paying off my car. Not that I can’t afford it, its just an inconvenience and an expense. We're always "struggling against bankruptcy", just sometimes the struggle is harder than normal. He caught the biggest corporate stock market fraud. The U.N. is a bunch of liberal pussies who would love to take away the individual rights of every person on the face of the planet. Liberals are trying to get rid of the constitution and replace it with the U.N. Charter. Have we had another successful terrorist attack since the creation of this department. I was surprised we didn’t already have this department. So if you think we don’t need, or you don’t benefit from homeland security then you can complain. The U.N. just tried to get back at us for doing the right thing when they wanted to leave it alone. Cause it is. Remember the crisis in Rwanda, the U.N. was in that country at that time, but because of political tension, refused to do anything about it. 800,000 people died. 2002 elections? Where all the two-year term office holders are campaigning. Like I said, the U.N. is retarded. Give me a break. The secret service put the president and cabinet in secret bunkers to protect them so they could keep making decisions. The same would have happened for any other president in office. The SS just feared that maybe the terrorist could be targeting AF1. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? THE SHADOW KNOWS! Wait now, you're saying France and Germany represents all the other countries who supported U.S. action in Iraq? The biggest threat to world peace and stability is terrorism. But there was no 9/11 in Europe, so I don't expect them to understand it. I don't understand this one? You're saying the cabinet can't have stocks to benefit from when they retire? Put the blame where it belongs. The ACLU and every other whining liberal in America. Actually, the liberals are just bitching a lot more now that they aren't getting their way. He said it was coming... RECORDS AND REFERENCES: And… Maybe there isn’t a Texas driving record because he didn’t get in trouble driving in Texas. What war was that? He was a part of the Coast Guard. Because it was a completely ridiculous accusation. I can’t remember if you can either ask to have that done, or its done for everyone. You mean non-existent? Corporations have always sealed the minutes to their meetings. So what? Hmmm, maybe because energy was only one of the things they talked about in those meetings. Ha ha, what a cheap shot you little bastard. |
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Sep 13th 2003 | #121725 Report |
![]() Posts: 1326 |
*applause* What a bunch of BS that original post was. It was good that you posted it though, Spectra. Gave us something to talk about. I'll bet Al Gore was half-glad that he didn't win the election. What a bunch of crap Bush had to deal with. I think he did a rather good job. I can listen to the other side of the story, though, too. tom |
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Sep 13th 2003 | #121732 Report |
![]() Posts: 1391 |
*agrees with random*
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Sep 14th 2003 | #121794 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
*Applause, Applause...the stadium has risen to a standing ovation, whistling and cheering, "Go Random! Go Random!"* I'll tell you, it's great when you get research instead of hearsay. It doesn't take any one to simply state what they've heard, but man...to break it down after looking for answers in truth. Yeah! Random, what can I say? *Pops the cork and throws hand up for a high five* Well said, well said. I also have to agree with Pank. Time is the best friend of truth, and when we get to the future and the present becomes history, we'll know, it was a good thing. Cheers! |
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Sep 14th 2003 | #121800 Report |
![]() Posts: 3034 |
I found plenty of new clippings on cnn and msnbc that disagree with random.. I just choose not to post them so that you guys won't ramble on and make up excuse's for it.
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Sep 14th 2003 | #121804 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
There will, for a lengthy time, be an ongoing debate as to what is really going on. I doubt there are any excuses being made, and/or justifications. But you know what I appreciate about those who opt out of repeating hearsay? It's the dynamics of critical thinking. Not just looking at something and saying, "Oh, gee...this sounds cool and controversial, I think I'll go with that for a while." Nah, it's about research and thinking for oneself while remaining objective and unbiased, that will produce answers and challenges. After all, we really don't know that the media is telling us the whole truth. But if you have a link, maybe you can shoot it our way so we can dissect it and have a go at it. Cheers! |
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Sep 14th 2003 | #121805 Report |
![]() Posts: 1706 |
Random didnt research a lot of his answers. He simply defended them with his own hearsay. Zerimar3, I think you are blinded by the fact that he responded to so many of them. Why is everyone applauding random for explaining nothing. Or is saying "Thats garbage" and "**** that" qualify as a researched answer? This is your business because??? You wouldn't be invading/rebuilding a country if it didnt have potential economic value for the US. Why aren't you invading Egypt? Cuba? Burma? Of course you attacked Afghanistan as a statement, but haven't you turned your back on Afghanistan once already? Could that have been after you trained Bin Laden to help kill Russians? What happened there? I quote: Federal Deficit Skyrockets Under Bush Administration During his first two and a half years in office, Bush has catapulted the nation from a $127 billion surplus to a projected deficit of $1.9 trillion by 2008. The 2003 budget deficit is set to hit a record high of $455 billion, a dramatic increase from the $158 billion deficit for the 2002 fiscal year, the Washington Post reports. Estimates for 2004 place the budget deficit even higher at $475 billion—a sum which does not include the rapidly accumulating costs of the U.S. military presence in Iraq, which the Defense Department is currently estimating at $5 billion per month. The Post reported that White House budget director Joshua B. Bolton attributes 23% of the nation's deficit to the three successive Bush tax cuts. Sources: Washington Post, "White House Foresees 5-Year Debt Increase of $1.9 Trillion," Jonathan Weisman, July 16, 2003 So? It's just a fact. Is there any need to shoot it down? Do you condone Capital punishment? That's where you should have went with your rant. Again, another valid point you try to be-little. It's not a crime if you don't get caught. Speculate all you like, it's still true. Again, people awed at your amazing answer. Lots of research into that one I bet. Another standing "O" From the Washington Post http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0520-01.htm If you want numbers, why don't you look for them before knocking a post. http://www.ndol.org/blueprint/2003_number_4/09_whammy.html I see no need to continue after this one. http://www.msnbc.com/news/895634.asp Everyone who said the first post was garbage, well, thats an opinon and fine to stick to. But everyone who jumped on randoms boat sort of showed some ignorance. I'm not saying the facts I put up are 100% accurate. But the point is, random tried shooting everything down, yet he was firing blanks. And everyone started agreeing with him. Again, another strong arguement of how people are so easily influenced. |
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Sep 14th 2003 | #121807 Report |
![]() Posts: 586 |
Yeah, well I jumped on Random's boat for the simple reason that he didn't repeat hearsay. I stated that in both my posts. Tell me if you can find in either of my posts that I stated I agreed with Random or that I believed his every point. Although I agree with several of his points, my whole applause thing comes from the fact that it wasn't hearsay that he just submitted. Do you know how many times I've seen this attack towards President Bush? In my email, tons, on sites, innumerable, and when I saw it here, it wasn't original. What can I say, it's the creative side in me that likes to see creativity, first hand stuff. So I wouldn't go gettin' my panties in a knot just yet. My credits go to Random for not just saying, "Oh gee, this seems cool, I won't give it a second thought...I'll just repeat it." It's also the fact that I appreciate education and knowledge. Now I'm far from being intelligent and smart, nonetheless, it's the fact that those are "his" words (no one else's) and that is appreciated on my behalf. Cheers! |
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